|Chapter One|

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"Baby please, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry!" I said, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to me. I guess that was a bad move cause she slapped the hell out of me.

"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME! And you damn right, you sorry as fuck! You... I... I can't even look at you!" she started to leave, but before she walked out she turned back around

"Bleue.. You promised. You looked me dead in my face and promised me bullshit knowing you was fucking that girl!.. Did our vows not mean shit to you ?!." she said with a face full of tears. That hit me hard man. I know I fucked up, but did I fuck up so bad that I'm really about to lose my wife?
"Baby, you know our vows mean everything to me"
"Oh I'm your baby now? Nah, Fuck you! I wasn't your baby when you had a WHOLE BITCH calling you daddy, now was I ?! Oh and by the way..." She trailed off because of tears that were surfacing. Once collected ready to talk again.
She reached in her purse and pulled out a pregnancy stick test.
"You know, I was planning a way to surprise you with the news." She chuckled then threw the stick at me.
"Congratu-fucking-lations "I'm three weeks pregnant with our baby. Asshole."
So much pain shot through my heart. How could I do this to her, my wife? How could I break my family apart before it was even created? How could I disappoint my child who wasn't even here yet? I stood there with my chin on the floor, tears building up in my eyes ready to drop at any moment.
"Tuh. Cats got your tongue huh? Bye Bleue." She took her ring off and threw it at me before walking out. Not in these 8 years of being together that I've seen her so hurt. Except for today. And im the cause of it all. Before I could get anything to come out, she was out the door. I just sat there thinking about how the fuck I got myself here. My life was so good, my wife was so happy, we were happy. I guess it's true that all good things fall apart huh.

   6 months earlier
"Bleue..Get Off Me!" A'Dayah yelled through her uncontrollable laughs. I was on top of her tickling her half to death
"Tell me you love me and I'll stop"
"Okaay! Okaay! I love you!" I stopped tickling her so she could catch her breath. Once her breathing went back to normal I popped her mouth like she was a child who said a bad word.
"Babe wtf?!" She looked at me like I did something wrong.
"Babe my ass. You know we don't call eachother by our names. Ion know why you always trying me." She rolled her eyes at me.
"Don't try to act brand new."
"Okaay . Im sorry."
" Now what's my name?"
"Daddy" she said and made her cute ass baby face.
"Mhm. Give Daddy a kiss" she leaned in and we started kissing. She bit my bottom lip, turning me on.
"Mmm." I groaned. Getting caught in the heat of the moment I grabbed her ass.
"You irritate my soul. Always turning something cute into sex." She said while pushing me back.
"And you know you like it" I leaned down and kissed her lips one more time.
"Baby, Get up so you can get ready for work"
"Yeah yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes and made my way to the bathroom.
By the time I got out the shower I was running late. I rushed out the bathroom with my black Nike sports bra, white T-shirt, black Calvin Klein boxers, and my dreads up in a bun. I started looking around the room for my duffle bag, but I couldn't find it. This why I hate rushing cause then a nigga can't find nothing , be leaving shit behind, it just be to much. "Baaae you seem my bag?!" I yelled as I made my way down stairs. When I reached the end of the stairs she was leaned up against the back of the couch with my bag strapped over her shoulder..
"Here is your bag." She said while sitting it on the floor. "Here are your socks, shirt, pants, and shoes. Your badge and waist thingy with your weapons and stuff is on the counter along with your vest. I put some water bottles, extra under clothes, and snacks in your bag. You can buy lunch today. I didn't go grocery shopping yet."
When I say Im thankful for my baby, man yall just don't know the half of what she does for me. I don't know how I would've made it through life so far without her. I wrapped my arms around her waist
"You know I love you right" she wrapped her arms around my neck
"Yes, and I love you". we kissed for a few seconds before she pulled away.
"Baby gooo, you're late"
"Aight' I'm going." I kissed her forehead before heading to finish putting on my uniform and strapping up. I grabbed my duffle bag and threw it over my shoulder and started making my way out the door.
"Baaae!" I turned around and see her shaking her head laughing while jiggling my keys. I walked back over to her,
"Its not that damn funny" i said and tried to grab my keys, but she snatched them away.
"You forgot to promise me you would come home to me." With my type of job you never know what could happen. So I always promise her that I will come home to give her a sense of serenity.
"I promise I will come home to you beautiful." She smiled and handed me my keys.
"By the way , you look good as'f in my shirt." I shouted on my way out the door. She chuckled.
" I Love You !" She shouted.
"I Love You More!" I shouted before I closed the door. I wasn't on the road for 5 minutes before my phone started to ring. I inhaled then exhaled a big breath as my phone vibrated in the passenger seat. I knew it was my partner, Jordan, calling me.
"Wassup" I said after answering the phone.
"Where you at man?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear so it could recover from her loud ass mouth. After taking a few seconds I put the phone back to my ear.
"First of all don't be calling me yelling in my ear and shit, I done told yo ass about that. Secondly I'm finna pull up, so bring ya ass outside."
"Aigh' nigga." With that we hung up the phone and I was pulling in her drive way. I put the car in park and waited for her to bring her ass on.
" you a bitch! I swear I can't fucking stand you! All yo bitch ass do is lie!" I rolled my eyes when I heard Jada come out the door before I could even see her. These niggas always fucking arguing.
"Look, bruh can you shut up and give daddy a kiss before I go to work?"
"Okay daddy" Jada kissed her hand then slapped J across the face.
"Punk ass" She called J then turned in my direction.
"Heey Bleue Ivy!"
"Hey Jada" I said with a grin and slight wave.
"Tell wifey ima call her"
"I gootchuu" She then made her way back to the house and closed the door. Jordan just stood there holding her face.
"J if don't get yo simple ass in the car, we already late." She sucked her teeth and got in.
"Heeey bestfraaaan!"
"Hey punk ass" I said then busted out in heavy laughter.
"Man shut ya ass up and let's go. Always talking shit, just like your damn girlfriend" I continued to chuckle while I pulled off. After catching my breath I spoke up.
"What was yall fighting about this time?"
"Maan she accusing me of lying."
"Lying about what?"
"She found a dutch wrapper, asked me was it mine, and I told her no."
"Was it yours?"
"Yeah, but she aint gone know that. She ain't finna kick my ass."
"Yeah, you right she aint gone kick your ass. I am! Is you fucking crazy?! Nigga you a damn op. We get pissed tested randomly, you know this. And take that fucking bandana off! You don't bang. How you gone be a cop and blood? See yo ass wanna get shot don't you?"
"Daaamn okay daddy, I hear you"
" but no in all seriousness don't get caught up. Cause if you do that's yo ass. You my nigga and I love you I really do, but I ain't going down with you." I mean I can't sit here and be hypocritical cause I got my own little thing that I do at home. But unlike Jordan Im smart with the way I move.
"I hear you man. I gotchu. Anyway hows the Fiance?"
"Maaan. That girl there is something else." I responded while replaying this morning in my head.
"So you forreal about marrying shawty?"
"Yea man. The amount of love that I have for her is un fucking real. That's my baby. That girl got my heart man."
"You been saying that for almost 8 years now."
"Yeah. I know. And nothing has changed other than us getting older and love getting stronger."
"I feel you Bestfriend. Just know I'm down with you, no matter what."
"Ik. I appreciate that."
"No problem man."
"Yeah whatever. Now Get out my car." I said as we pulled up to the station. We clocked in, got fussed at for being late, went to the patrol car and began our rounds.

All Good Things Fall Apart (Lesbian Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant