What Am I Doing Wrong? Part 2

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Louis' POV

What time is it?

Why is it so hot?

What is that on my back?

My eyes shot open in alert. Where the hell are we? Oh wait we're in Paris...duh!!!

My vision finally cleared revealing my curly head lover in front of me. His strong arms were wrapped around my tiny body bringing me closer to his toned torso.

Every tattoo seemed to glisten in the ray of light that was pouring in through the windows shining bright into our room.

He made tiny movements bringing us closer together making me only realise that we're both nude.

So I guess what we did really did happen and it wasn't just my imagination. I actually slept with him. With Harry.

I sat up slowly moving his arms from on top of me a swung my legs over the side of our bed. I guess it's best to get washed before someone barges in.

I got up and walked towards the closet pulling out my towel from my suitcase.

I still can't believe what I did, what we did at that. I mean I can't just go on with my life properly after that moment.

What if he hates me when he realises what we did?

What if he brags to everyone and then everything falls apart?

There's to many 'What If' factors in this whole situation. I wish I could just stop over thinking things and just leave them the way they are, but I guess that's one of the consequences to having demons.

I turned the shower all the way until it was boiling hot with steam covering the glass doors and the mirror which want too far from me now.

I stepped in the water singeing my skin a bit before I finally got comfortable to the temperature.

I wonder what it would be like if me and Harry actually decided to take this further and be committed. Would things get better or worse?

I slid down the shower wall all the way to the floor letting the steaming water trickle down the coarse of my dark hair and lightly tanned skin.

I just wish I could stop doubting everything I do. Everything we do and just make it positive instead of negative.

"Lou? You ok?"

I look up and see the gorgeous green eyes that I stared at with passion a few hours ago. Those green eyes that traveled up and down my body checking out every part of my body. The green eyes that save me from going way too over board and eventually going crazy.

"Yeah...I'm fine."

He reached his overly large hand towards me pulling me up off the shower floor.

All of a sudden everything burned. From my face all the way down to my feet. Like someone set me on fire.


"What's wrong?"

"I don't know it's just like, it feels like I'm being set on fire."

I stepped out of the shower reaching for my towel, except even that burned. Everything that made any contact burned my hands trying to hold the pain, Harry's hands trying to grab me, just...everything.

"Stay here and let me get some ice for you."

He walked out of the room not before checking if I was ok.

Honestly I don't know what going on with me I mean there's hardly sun in Europe. It can't be sunburn.

I walked over to the mirror and saw parts of my skin were covered in red marks. Some from the amazing sex Harry and I had and others that had just appeared. I really hope I'm not infected with anything. That would be the worst way to start off a vacation after all that Harry went through. I can't let him stress over me.

I walked out of the bathroom, slowly since my feet were burning with every step I took on the cold tile floor finally reaching the smooth textured but still unbearably burning hard wood flooring.

I headed  toward our bed, that seems like the safest place to be at this point. Not that sitting on something so soft would probably in fact burn as well. As I reached the bed the door slammed open with a worried Harry running through right after it. 

"What are you doing?!!! I told you to stay in the bathroom!!"

"I just wanted to sit down. My legs were hurting."

"Ok just stay, stay still Liam, he he found some aloe vera whatever he  said that should work. He said it could be a rash."

"A rash from what?!!"

"I don't know but just stay still."

I stood completely still swaying once or twice since my balance isnt all too great. He put the cold aloe vera (i think) on all the red spots that covered me.

"Why isnt Liam here since like he's all sciency whatever?"

"I told him I got it."

"But like are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yes! I asked Liam!"

"Ok geesh stop yelling mr sassypants."

"Look do you want to get better or not?"

"Yeah but-"

"Then stop making comments."

See this is what I feared. Everything falling apart. His mean talk. I mean I kind of just gave up everything to you and now you wanna treat me like shit. I know he's just trying to help but like you don't have to be rude about it.

"Ok everything is done."

He backed away making sure that everything looked ok and at least a bit better.

"Can you sit down?"

"Yeah I think so."

I sat slowly down on my towel which was spread across the bed. Harry tossed me a pair of boxers and finally everything went kind of back to normal. Well everything but the awkward silence in the room.


"Yeah Lou?"

"What are we going to do?"

"About what?"

"About us. I mean we just had sex and like we've been kind of sneaking around together and I, I just want to know if its real. Is everything we have real?"

I could feel the tears slowly creeping up in my eyes. I know I shouldn't be crying but I mean I can't have this happen to me again. Not like the last time. I'm tired of being used. Tired of being peoples rag doll. let me rephrase that their fuck doll. they just make use of me once, make me fall so hard for them and then they just go and dump me on my own leaving me to lie in my own tears to stay in my own demonized thoughts the brain that leads me to believe that everything was my fault. 

"Of course its real. Why would I use you? I could never do that to you. After all that we've been through, after all that you've been through. After all the hell I dragged you through I just,  I'm sorry for being  such a fuck up but I can't help the way I am. I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm sorry for hurting you I'm sorry for cutting I'm sorry for treating you like shit but I just suck at everything and I let my emotions get the best of me but I can't just rip apart everything that we have. I just can't imagine you with anyone else and since this chance finally came around, I'm  going to take complete advantage of it. Not in a way that those jerks that you've been with in the past, but like the way you should be treated because Louis, I love you and no body could ever take that away from me. Never.  "

For the first time ever in my whole life have I ever heard anything that beautiful and been speechless at the same time. I mean nobody has ever loved me and meant it as much as Harry means it right now.

I let the tears stream down my face having no more control in holding them in anymore. He's so perfect and I couldn't ask for more.

"I love you too Harry. And promise me one thing, don't ever call yourself a fuck up. You're perfect to me and thats all that matters. I'll be here no matter what. I promise."  

"I promise."

I guess that some legends are true. We have landed  in the city of love.

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