Keeping you safe

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Jamie stared down at the white floor. He would have never thought he would be in the waiting room because of Eddie. He always had her back in the field and now....and now he don't. He needed to find out what happened today but..he couldn't move his hands are shaking he hid them under his legs so he didn't scare the boys. Sean and jack sat beside there uncle being very quiet not waiting to make Jamie mad. "Jamie?" They all three looked up to see Linda standing there. Jamie stood accepting her hug. "Jamie I am so sorry" Jamie nodded siting back down. "Do you know anything?" He asked his voice shaking. "No I am sorry I am trying but nothing yet" Jamie nodded and looked down again. "I am really sorry me and Danny made y'all go" Linda said sitting down beside the boys hugging the both of them. "No Linda it's not you fault she was looking off ever since she got home something must have happened at work" he held back his emotion. Linda nods and asked the boys if they wanted something to eat. Jamie didn't even hear there answer he was letting his mind wonder. "If she don't make it through? What if they don't get married? What if they never have kids? What if the last time he would ever talk to her was today?" Jamie was pulled out of his thoughts seeing the doctor walking down to him
Danny's pov:
"Ok let me go in and talk to him." Danny said to his partner about the suspect. "DANNY" his boss yelled coming down the hall. Danny turned to see him coming with worry written all over his face. "What's up sergeant?" When his boss finally made it over he said. "I just got a call from you dad he is on his way back from a meeting" Danny looked at him dumbfounded. "But that meeting is 2 days long?" His boss took a deep breath. "Officer Edit janko was hit in the head pretty hard at work she pasted out at a basketball game" Danny was freaking out the time he finished. "Is she ok is the boys ok Jamie?!!" He asked "you might want to head down there Jamie you are dismissed" Danny nodded running and getting his stuff and out the door.
Jamie's pov:
The doctor walked in to the room finding Jamie. "Family of edit janko" Jamie stood up. "That's me I am her fiancée" he smiled at Jamie and said "well the good news is she made it through just fine she took a hard blow to the head causing a concussion. She may stutter her words at times but the bad news is when she hit her head it caused the control system to her eyes some damage. When she wakes up she won't be able to see we are hoping its only temporary" his words hit Jamie really hard causing him to sit down "your hoping? Does that mean she might have a possibility of never seeing again?" Jamie looked at the doctor. "That is a possibility yes" he nodded and added "but son she has the best doctors working on her she will be just fine" with that he left Jamie. Danny walked in just a few minutes after the doctor left "Jamie?" He walked in to see his brother in the floor back against the wall with his hands on head. Danny walked up and sat down beside him. "What have you heard?" Jamie looked up, Danny could see he had been crying. "She won't be able to see when she wakes up...she is going to be so scared" Jamie sobbed. Danny hugged his kid brother has he cried. Before Danny and Jamie knew it the whole family was in the waiting room. Hugging Jamie and saying sorry to him. He was just so tried and wanted to see Eddie. The doctor let everyone come in but only Jamie could stay he said goodbye to everyone. Erin told him she would stop by in the morning. After everyone left Jamie sat down in the chair beside eddies bed grabbing her hand. "Baby you have to wake up I miss you, you scared the hell out of me you know that, he laughed I love you Eddie please wake up" he laid his head on her bed and cried.
Her head pounded she couldn't even think straight..she rolled over but a shocking pain went up her side. She called out in pain "JAMIE..JAMIE" she felt someone take her into his arms. "Shhhh Eddie you ok" she felt Jamie kiss her head. "Jamie where am I?" She grabbed his shirt not wanting him to leave her side. "Eddie your in the hospital you passed out don't you remember?" She started to cry. "No I don't..." Jamie kissed her head again whipping away her tears. "Shh lay back it's ok Eddie" he pushed her away from him and onto the bed. "Jamie no stop don't leave me" he could feel her shaking. "I am not going no where's baby you need to sleep." He cooled her. "I want to be able to feel you don't leave my side please" Jamie nodded and held her in his arms till she fell asleep.
There was a knock on the door and Jamie let go of Eddie careful not to wake her and sat the chair. "Jamie? Can I come in" it was Erin. "Yeah sure sis" she walked in with coffee and a breakfast biscuit. "Here" she headed it to him then looked at Eddie. "How is she?" Jamie sipped his coffee and said "she woke up last night..ah she was really scared I had to clam her down" erin nodded and walked over to her bed. "Does she know about know the blindness?" Jamie swallowed Nervously "it was dark I don't think she could tell..."he trailed off. Erin nodded "I have to go to work I will stop by later call if you need anything" Jamie nodded and hugged his sister goodbye. Jamie sat back down staring at Eddie she was so terrified last night he was to no matter what he was going to keep her safe. He got up to find the bathroom because there wasn't one in the room.
Eddie laid in a uncomfortable position but couldn't move. She opened her eyes...blackness she reached her hands up to see if they open? They were and her heart skipped a beat. "JA...JAM..JAMIE.." She stuttered. It was quite "JAMIE I AM SCARED" she yelled tears running down her cheeks. She heard a lot of foot steps come into her room. She figured it was the nurses. "It's ok edit Jamie went to the bathroom we have someone going to get him. I am your doctor." She nodded trying to remain clam it was weird not being able to see him. "I...I can't see" she told him. She felt him grab her hand "I know sweetie it's because of your concussion" Eddie laid her head back nodding. She wanted him to leave she wanted Jamie. "I want jam" she finally said. "I will go see if they found him". Jamie saw a doctor come out of her room and started to jog. "Doc is she ok?" He asked worried. "Yeah she will need you" with that the doctor walked down the hall. "Eddie?" She was laying on the bed with her eyes closed. "JAMIE" she called for him. He saw the tears running down her cheeks and the look on her face. "Shhhh baby I am so sorry I wasn't here I went to the bathroom and called my dad outside I am here shhhh" he sat on her bed rocking her as she cried. "I am scared I..I can't see Jamie" she whispered the last part..Jamie let tears fall from his eyes to. "I know baby it's going to be ok" she cried a while longer till Jamie convinced her to lay back. "Please don't leave me" she said for the hundredth time that day. "I am not going no where." He grabbed her hands that were shaking. "This is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me" she told him with her eyes closed. "I would do anything to switch places with you" he kissed her head. "I am really tired" he nodded "what about breakfast?" She looked as if she might throw up. "Please don't make it eat" he kissed her hands "ok sleep I will be here when you wake up I promise" He let her hands go and pulled the covers over her. Jamie would have never thought Eddie would be begging him to not make her eat.

Authors note:
Hey guys❤️ this chapter is longer than most because I didn't update till today so I hope you enjoyed..I went camping and couldn't write so here y'all go update soon❤️ plz vote or comment if I should continue..

Next in blue 💙s
Eddies mom comes to her hospital room. The family worry about Jamie needing rest. Eddie clams down a bit and wants to go home tried of being there. Jamie's boss needs him to come back to work.. Stay tuned ❤️💙❤

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