"You look all messy." Chaylin added.

"I got into a little situation but y'all know I'a be fine."

"Are you okay Uncle Aug?" Kayden asked softly as she looked up at me.

"Yeah Kay I'm fine."

"You promise?"

"I promise." I smiled as she made me pinky promise her.

"Aug you alright?" Cha asked as she came in the room holding a very fussy Kennedy.

"Yeah I'm good but my baybeh ain't. Whatchu do to her?" I laughed trying not to hurt my rib.

"Boy you know I ain't do nothing to her as soon as we stepped in here she started crying,whining and yelling." Cha laughed as she handed Kennedy to Lani.

"I guess she don't like hospitals like her father." Lani added.

"Cha would you mind watching Kennedy just a little while longer so I go home and get changed to go on my doctors appointment." Lani asked.

"Sure and I'm not leaving yet anyway so Aug can spend more time with her."

"Alright. I'll see you later babe." She said as she pecked my lips softly.

"Good luck." I whispered before pulling away from the kiss.


I pulled up to my doctors office and parked. Before I got out of the car I wished that everything would be okay.

I walked in,signed in, and sat down. While I was waiting I got a call from Cha letting me know that she was still with Aug and he wanted her to check up on me.

"Ms. Parrish the doctor will see you now." The nurse said as I hung up from Cha's call.

I followed her into the small room and sat on the table. I waited for 10 minutes before my doctor came in.

"So you're here for a pregnancy test?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Yes well I actually already took one and it came out positive so I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a false one."

"Okay well take this into the bathroom and let my nurse know when you return." She said handing me a small cup.

I came back into the room after informing Dr. Brown's nurse and waited. I called August but I received no answer so I assumed he was probably sleeping.

Dr. Brown walked back in with a small file she had on me and sat down.

"Well Ms. Parrish it appears that you are pregnant." She smiled.

"Do you know who the father is?" She asked as I looked offended. "I'm sorry I have to ask."

"Okay well then yes the father is my fiance."

"Would you like some privacy to call him or is he here?"

"He's actually dealing with medical issues of his own right now so I'll see him after I leave here." I sighed.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Well I'm sure this news will make him feel a lot better." She smiled.

"I'm sure it will too." I laughed.


I woke up to the sound of my nurses voice letting me know that she was about to give me more pain medicine. As much as I hated getting stuck with a needle I needed it because if I didn't my whole body would start to hurt.

I looked at my phone to distract myself from the iv that was getting put into my arm and noticed I had a missed call and text from Lani.

MyWife: It's true Auggie you're a daddy...again lol see you when I get there baby. Love you.

Just looking at the text made me smile because this whole situation could've gone a lot different. I decided not to worry about the niggas that shot me until I was out of the hospital and completely healed. As much as I would hate to go back to my old lifestyle I would at any second to find out who would want to kill me.

Lani walked into my room with a duffel bag and sat down.

"I bought you some clean clothes, your phone charger, and a burger." She laughed because she knew I wasn't allowed to eat that here.

"Thank ya baybeh."

"Oh and I bought the first ever pictures of our baby." She said as she handed me a sonogram picture.

"Whea' is it?" I laughed.

"Right there. See the tiny little circle." She pointed as I squinted my eyes.

"Wow so that's in your stomach huh?"

"Yeah and I was thinking...." She said as she looked at me curiously.

"Thinking about what?"

"I kinda want another little girl so Kennedy can have somebody to play dress up with and stuff." She giggled.

"Now you know we don't make that decision and besides we need another boy around the house. Place starting to look too girly." I laughed.

"Well whatever god has planned for us we'll have as long as the baby is happy and healthy... and a girl." She laughed as I just shook my head.

This chapter was cute :)

How y'all feel about Lisha?

I don't like her personally lol.

What y'all think she got planned for Lani?

Do you think Lani and Aug having a boy or a girl???

Questions, Questions, Questions lol.-Shayyy

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