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Jurelang Zedkaia

I'm still waiting for you to jump and say "Gotcha!"
I'm still waiting to hear you laugh
I'm still waiting to hear you sing your favorite song
I'm still waiting to see you smile & say "I Love You!"
Jimma, I'm still waiting
It's all so surreal, it's still hasn't sunk in my head
I feel like I'm still having a nightmare
But what's scary is this nightmare is a reality
I'm still waiting Jimma
To see you laugh at our faces
To say "You should've seen your faces."
Jimma, I'm still waiting to see you wake up
I'm waiting for you to ask "What's Wrong?"
I'm still waiting
My heart rips as the seconds ticks away
As minutes become hours & you're still sleeping
Tears stream down my face as I see you lay there
Not breathing
Closed eyes
Its breaking us so much that I can't accept it
It's not true, please say it's not
I'm still waiting Jimma
Even when everyone is crying & saying there final goodbyes
I'm still waiting
My brain knows the truth
Yet my heart can't grasp onto it
It's killing me Jimma, So so much
As my heart breaks & I cry as a baby
I'm starting to see reality
I'm starting to understand pain
I'm starting to understand life
Jimma you were my role model
To be humble & kind
To care for others before myself
You taught me so much & see me grow
I just wish I knew if you're proud of who I've become
I wish I could hear you say you love me one more time
Just one last time I wish I could hug you
Just one last time I wish I got to thank you
For everything
For loving me even when I would somehow get you mad
For lecturing me when I'm at wrong
Jimma, even if it's hard to believe
Even if it's hard to accept this
Even if it's terrifying me to no end
I know you are in peace
You didn't go through pain
Yet God took you peacefully
I know He called you to him
And you are rejoicing beside him
We love you so much
If you could hear us, We scream we Love You
We miss you dearly our love
But we know we will be okay soon
It's part of life to be born& to expect our death
It's painful but we'll heal
Because you're works will always be praised
You will forever be remembered
Your love will linger through us for eternity
Rest In Peace our Noble Hero
We will see each other again soon
Everyday will not feel whole without you
But you live within us & so we will be okay
I don't know how to end this poem
But I know that I won't forget
I love you forever Jimma
Rest In Peace.

Grandpa Jurelang ZedkaiaWhere stories live. Discover now