
672 31 14

Friday 8:47am

Deans day only started an hour ago but he couldn't stop himself from thinking about Mr. Novak and his flawless mouth.


Dean basically inhaled his food then walked calmly to his next class knowing it didn't matter if he ran or transported there he wasn't gonna get to see his favourite teacher until the end.


Dean focused as hard as he could on the work sheet but let his mind slip in to thought, once in a while.


Dean played with the hem of his shirt bored and still waiting until his day gets better.


He was overly bored by this time, just bored.


He accepted his fate that he would have to wait and wait and wait.


Dean ran; not running into any kids, pushing passed the ones that blocked and when he got to the class he fixed his shirt then his over shirt and walked a smooth walk into class and sat down in the same seat; to the back and left.

"Winchester! I see your the first one... Why don't you come sit up here" Novak the one Deans look forward to seeing all day; he pointed to the first chair in the middle. Dean couldn't daydream up there, but he thinks for a second and moves to the seat picked out for him.

"So... How are you?" Mr. Novak takes a seat on his desk and fixes his cuffs on his white button-up.

"Uh-... I'm fine, I'm good" Dean tries playing it smooth and cool but his side smirk might have came out a little weird.

"That's great" he interlocks his fingers together setting them on his thighs.

"How are you, Mr. Novak?" Dean freaks out under all his calm smoothness but right when Novak goes to answer the bell rings and Dean feels hopeless. How will he ever get to ask again.

"Hey Dean.." He leans over putting his hands on his desk "call me Castiel" and he winked and stepped away. Everyone poured in, loud and clumsy. Dean could care less because all he could think about is Mr... Castiel's wink and first name suggestion.


Dean smiled though the whole class and raised his hand for once instead of being called on.

"Okay go ahead and start packing up" Castiel started to clean the bored. Dean packed his bag fast and waited.

Dean heard a fake cough and the rudest words "What a fag" Dean looked back; the kid who said it pointed at Cas and the kids around him laughed, Dean looked back just then seeing the disappointing look on Castiel's face; Dean full of anger snapped standing then punching the kids nose. Hard enough that instantly blood began to pour from the wound. Dean shook his hurt knuckles and the back of his neck was grabbed by a large hand. He was turned around and forced to walk out into the hall.

"You're not supposed to hit people, Dean" Dean couldn't look into Castiel's eyes "Dean! Look at me! Do you understand?" Dean looked only to the ground and remembered the day he got kicked out of his old high school "yes.." Dean shook his head.

Castiel grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the class room again. "Sit there." Castiel pointed at the desk in front of his desk and heard Cas leave the room. Dean looked up and looked at his knuckles only one was purple this time, he rubbed his thumb over it.

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