Chapter 2- Cindy

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"I have practice with charming after school, and he'll give me a ride home when we're done," Duke said this as Mrs. Tramain parked the car. Choosing the spot closest to the front doorway.

"And I have cheer. I don't have a ride yet, but I'll ask someone."Cindy ducked out of the car dragging her various bags with her.

"That will be great. I would wait and give you a ride, but I'm supposed to be at the town gala tonight and I need time to get ready." Her stepmom came around the car hurrying towards the front doors.

"She could get a ride with me and Charming. I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Duke reached over and bumped Cindy, a glad smile plastered to his face. He did this whenever he mentioned Charming, it had started when Duke  had somehow found out about her 'slightly more then a crush' thing she had for his best friend.

"No, I can find my own ride." Cindy shook her head in irritation. Duke was constantly playing match-maker. She couldn't figure out why, but it was slightly annoying, especially when he did it in front of Charming. 

"Fine suit yourself," he shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal," but just in case, we'll be here till 5 maybe 5:30."

They had stopped in front of Cindy's locker. She opened it and shoved her backpack in hanging it on one of the provided hooks. She placed her cheer bag sideways on the ground arranging it so nothing stuck out. Duke reached  in and pulled some books off the top shelf and handed down her binders to her. This had become their ritual Cindy stowing her bags and Duke grabbing all their books. He had his own locker, but he preferred using hers since it was perfectly positioned between all the necessary classes
"How's marching band going?" Cindy turned and started toward the gym and fine arts hallway.

"Really great. Klingler is really whipping us into shape, we learned most of the drill and music, and Charming is doing great as the head drum major." Duke slowed his steps to match Cindy's always keeping her next to him. She realized that he had started doing this when he hit his growth spirt and she had stopped growing. He was now 6' 3" and only now starting to stop.   She on the other hand hadn't made it past 5'2" a good size for a cheer leader, but it kinda sucked when trying to keep up with people. They continued walking, talking about marching band and cheer, about school and their friends. They talked about a lot of things. Cindy sometimes felt that since they where step siblings they shouldn't be so comfortable around each other, but ever since she moved in with them they had taken to each other quite nicely. He was her support through out everything.

"DUKE!" The yell startled Cindy making her jump slight and pulling her from her thoughts. She looked up to see Charming bearing down on them a box in one hand and a uniform on a hanger in the other. "You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. They are handing out the marching uniforms." Charming skidded to a stop in front of them holding up the uniform  to prove his statement.

"Ah crap I forgot." Duke pushed Cindy's books into her hand. "Bye Cin," he waved as he ran full tilt down the hallway, Charming as his heels.


"Set," Cindy glanced over her shoulder to make sure every one was in their spots before pushing play. This was the last run and then practice would be over. She still wasn't sure how she would get home, she had asked around the team, but everybody was either hitching a ride from someone else or going to the kickoff party for homecoming week. It was starting to look like she would have to take up Dukes offer or walk.

The music stopped and everybody was breathing hard. Being only a month into the season everybody was still getting used to the practices and harder routines.

"I'll see you all tomorrow, don't forget about this Friday's homecoming game!" Drissy, the other cheer captain, called from her place on the bleachers. She had twisted her ankle early on in practice and Cindy had convinced her to sit out. The other girls cheered slightly and picked up their bags from around the room, some not even stopping before running out the door.

Cindy swung her bags to her shoulder and walked the other way shutting off the light and continuing towards the band room. She hoped the guys were still here, she didn't want to walk home tonight.

The lights were off as she reached the room, and she blew out a breath of frustration. So much for the ride. She glance at her wrist forgetting she had left not only her phone at home, but also her watch. Cindy leaned against the door resting her hand on the handle as she peered at the clock inside the room. It was just slightly out of sight and she could only make out the 5. She pressed harder against the door hoping to see the rest. She was just about to give up when she suddenly wasn't leaning against anything. The door swung open propelling her into the room.

Second chapter and I'm liking it! How about you guys? What do you think of Duke and his brotherlyness towards Cindy? I adore Duke :)

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