Chapter Two

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          To say my whole body was aching and screaming at me for much more needed sleep was the understatement of the year.

I really didn't want to get up and me being me I snoozed the alarm and snuggled in closer to my warm comfortable blanket. Already falling into a deep sleep that is when Adam decided to wake up crying. I groaned and closed my eyes hoping that I could take a second of a sleep when Marcus hit me with one of his beefy arms. I groaned in annoyance as he pulled my blanket from me and finally decided to go check up on my baby. Half asleep like I always get before I wake up unnaturally I pulled on a jacket and made my way to Adams room rubbing my stingy red eyes. Getting in front of his crib I looked down and began to question him.

"How was your sleep Tiger?"

          Adam just looked at me for a second as if I said the stupidest or maybe the weirdest thing ever then went back to crying his head off.

I mumbled a, "Dear Lord give me the strength," and picked him up and placed him down on the changing table.

          Shuffling footsteps could be heard till they stopped outside the room with a grunt from Marcus he went to Jake's room to give the little boy his bubble bath. Finished with Adam I brought him with me to the kitchen downstairs to make hash browns and chocolate chip waffles for Jake, Marcus, and I  and get baby food out for Adam who was currently giggling on his high chair slapping one hand down on the place for his food while the other fist was being drooled on in his mouth.

Roughly about 20 minutes later Jake and Marcus came down cleanly. I nodded in approval of there attire and gave Adam to Marcus so that he could give him a bath upstairs. 10 minutes later Marcus, Adam, and Jake were eating or well not likely Adam and Marcus since Adam kept getting more food on his bib rather than his mouth and Marcus was trying to feed Adam and there was little Jake happily munching away with his puffed up chipmunk cheeks. I sighed, rubbing my eyes and went upstairs for a shower and clean presentable clothes for work. By the time I got back down the food was a a bit cold and everyone but Marcus was finished. We ate and talked about the Jake's new school and Adams day care center. Finally as the clock stroked 7:45 we were off.

          First we drove to the day care center and introduced ourselves of being Adams family then we dropped of Jake to his new Elementary school. We made a reckless stop at a gas station before heading off to work. I said goodbye to Marcus as I entered the library while he continued to drive to the school in which he would now start working for. I took a deep breath and looked at the small but cute local library. Based on my research mostly college kids come here to do research and little kids to read books.

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