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My name is Mahogany. Mahogany Carpenter. My parents are real witty. This... this is Dianaria. I guess it's alright. Though this place has a reputation of the worst never really being over. Paradise... is like fire, or wind. Wind brings relief on a hot summer day, or a sweet scent of Royal Cat-fly and Cherokee Roses. But at the same time, it is so dangerous, with squalls and tornadoes, destruction is imminent and happens in seconds. Paradise is so fragile yet exceedingly strong. I'd quite like to be like paradise. To be like the wind. To bring the sweet spicy fragrance of change, and the storms of repercussion to those who live profligately. I imagine that would be... be... like-

"MAHOGANY!!" I jolted awake, drowsily rubbing my eyes. Be the wind? What a childish dream. 

"Yes mom?" I called back, grudgingly throwing back the covers, Goosebumps popping up as the cold air hit my skin. 

"I need you to wake up Grey, your father and Aspen have gone to work." 

"Will do."  My own "brilliant" parents named us all after trees. TREES. I walked across the hall to my brothers room. 

I stuck my head in, "c'mon wake up, school starts in a hour."

 A small mop of brown hair peeked out from the cover and I sat down on his bed. Two big, soulful deep blue eyes stared up at me, innocence sparkling in his gaze. 

"Hey birch, you plan on getting up?" I teased. Grey Birch Carpenter, my sweet little brother, mischievous but never in a bad way. 

"I don't wanna, it's to early." He groaned.

 "Giving up already?" I teased.

"Gave up a long time ago Maggie," his voice muffled by the pillow he pulled over his head. 

I picked him up and carried him out, placing him on the hard floor. He looked up at me a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Going into my room, I began rummaging through my clothes, finally deciding on black jeans and a white hoodie. The fall months had just begun and the air was becoming frosty, nipping at exposed skin. I went into one of our two bathrooms, and ran my fingers through my hair. While Grey and my dad had deep blue eyes, Aspen, my mom and I all had light blue eyes. My long dark hair fell down my back, the small spattering of freckles prominent on my pale skin.  I opened the door, my mother standing directly outside it, excitement in her eyes that I hadn't seen since she announced that she was pregnant with Grey. "Mom?"

 Without answering she pulled me into our living room and the TV was on. 

"Prince Tomas has announced he will be looking for his partner, all girls age 16 can send in their photo and a small bit of information and one will be chosen!" 

The announcer chirped, as if the decision of who was to be future queen was a game show. I didn't understand how it involved me until I saw my mothers expression. This was so not about to happen. Before I could open my mouth to argue, my mother raised a rented camera and just about squealed, 

" Cheese!" 

as she held the shutter down and the flash sparked to life.

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