As we passed right by them, I quietly let out a breath I hadn't even noticed I was holding. I could feel the tension subside, and our group distanced a bit, just enough so that Amber could squeeze out.

Thank you, the faint thought hit me hard. It was barely even a whisper, but it wasn't a whisper unheard. I heard it clearly, and turned to look at...Sparrow, with a slight smile tugging the corners of my mouth and a curt nod.

As I turned around, I noticed we were about to reach our destination, when I heard her struggling, as if she were trying to rip her arm out of a grip. I sharply turned around, before Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg could even react to such a movement.

Her mother gripped her upper arm, staring down at her biological daughter as she called her by her Kryptonian name.

"Amber Zar-El."

(Sparrow's POV)

Just as I thought I was safe, I felt someone latch their bony fingers upon my left upper arm, snatching me away a foot or two from the team.

And now I knew, remembered, actually, that my mother had the sharp eyesight of a hawk as she announced my name. My real name.

"Amber Zar-El." Her green eyes bore into my brown ones, staring me down, trying to intimidate me. My glare didn't falter though. I wasn't scared, just surprised. I should have known she'd be able to spot me, even with a new wardrobe and dark hair. The eyes- my father's eyes, and my mother's bone structure, gave me away.

"How dare you leave us?" my father asked, more like demand to me, in Kryptonese.

"How DARE you cause an uproar, fools of us!!!" I felt my mother's hand smack me hard in the face, but I could hardly feel anything. I wasn't sure if it was my being a Krypton native made me practically immune as a vampire, but I could honestly say that slap didn't hurt even a little bit. And need I remind you my mother is Kryptonian, as I was, using some alien strength.

"I don't answer to either of you," I spat, speaking in my native tongue.


Nothing faltered. All I felt was a fire inside of me I hadn't felt in so long.


"You do not disrespect your elders, your own parents, Amber! I demand you explain yourself!!" my mom was screaming at me, this time in English.

"I said before, I do not answer to either of you. I am free of you and I have no intention of coming home, wherever home is now that Krypton is gone. So leave, NOW," I hissed, emphasizing 'Now' as my eyes threatened to change in pure anger.

"What has given you the right to defy your own family!?"

And to that, I couldn't stop myself from showing them what I truly was. My eyes changed into the saturated, bloodshot veining eyes I had tried to hold in while being screamed at. I could feel my teeth extending as my biological parents stared at me in horror, taking in the monstrosity my new nature had at this very moment. I was angry, and I was also very hungry.

"You are not my family," I said lowly, quietly in warning as I stared with a set of vampire eyes, keeping my back straight and my head held high, "The two of you neglected me as if I were disposable! I left because I wanted NOTHING to do with you! So how dare I? HOW DARE YOU!!??" I growled, more like roared, as I stepped even closer to my birth parents, exposing my extended teeth slightly. They looked afraid of me. Terrified.

And I liked it.

I liked seeing the fear and fifty million questions beginning to wander in their eyes, asking themselves about the sudden changes that occurred in their own daughter.

I could hear my active consciences now screaming at me to let the anger go. They were right behind me, begging me to stop.

"Sparrow, don't do it!"


"Don't do something you'll regret!!!"

"This isn't right!"

"Amber, don't do this," I heard Robin last...

But I couldn't find it in me to want to stop. I wanted to tear them apart and let them feel my pain. I wanted them to feel the neglect I felt these past few years.

"Disposing of your father and I will not correct what you've done," my mother hissed as I suddenly sped to them, closing the four feet distance between us.

"No," I agreed, gripping her full head of auburn locks in my own vampire grip, "but it's a start."

I was about to attack when a new voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Amber, please let her go."

Looking up at the voice's owner, shock shook my entire frame, and I let go almost instantly.


Teen Titans: The Eternal vs. Mortal Love Story - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now