Chapter fortyone~ "Guess who's back?"

Start from the beginning

That’s when Phillip took my hand and we started to dart for the windows. I spread my wings, holding Phillip closely, trying to get away before Thif took his anger to us.

But it was too late and the hands were dragged from my waist.

I screamed, turning around to see Phillip in Thif’s hands.

“Run! Eliyn, go!” He cried at me but I stood completely frozen to the spot. Not Phillip. Not him, oh please not him.

“You can have me! I’ll go to Trys with you!” I cried, stomping my foot and putting my hands in my hair in despair. “Don’t hurt him!”

“It’s too late.” His hand tightened around Phillip’s neck and the eyes I’d looked into a million times rolled back simply. My heart whimpered, and then failed to give me emotion entirely.

 “NO!” I screamed, falling to my knees, letting the first tear of many roll down my cheek. I let out another screech and ran to the limp body, I didn’t care what happened to me now. I held the cold hands in my own and uttered comforting words to his already dead body.

“And you, my love,” said the dark figure behind me. I didn’t turn around. “Will have a punishment much worse than the rest.”

“What could you possibly do,” I whimpered, bending over Phillip’s body and weeping, “that’s worse than this?”

“I declare war, your highness, on Myllic.” He said firmly before fleeing the room through the same window I wanted to escape through. I let out a cry for Myllic then.

Thif had killed the king and queen of Trys. He was the only heir. He had killed the king and queen of Myllic. I am the heir, and my sister is too young to rule.

I looked around the room at the four bodies lying limply and then down at my Phillip. I let out a wince before deciding Myllic can never know about this. If they knew, they would blame me. They can’t know. From my hands I let a flicker of fire dance onto the curtains, letting the flames spread faster than you can say despair.

I ran to the door, looking back only at my Phillip. I gave him one last smile before leading myself downstairs, crying fire to the servants in a strained voice.

                                                                        Even though Thif didn’t kill me that night, something inside of me died. I didn’t keep the baby, I sent her to earth, to a family I’d paid a wealthy amount of human money. I’d told them her name was Anna and I told them never to try and contact me again. I told Phillip’s parents that he had died in a fire and then left earth for good. I would never return there. Thif found a woman who shared his deep hatred, and they fight in unison for the darkness in their hearts. My sister and her husband grew up war, and eventually they died in it. They left behind a daughter that I vowed to care for. Her name is Miranda; she will be the queen one day. I cannot help Myllic, I cannot do anything. So I will let the war rage on and wait for Thif to grow tired.

That is all I can do.

                                                                        Eliyn closed her eyes next to me, taking a deep breath before letting my hands go. I looked at her with a frown; finally knowing why the war started made me feel empty. I had judged Eliyn as a cold woman, despite her beauty. I had disregarded this as nothing but the result of a war, but I hadn’t expected this.  I thought she was strong, when in fact she was just as weak as me.

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