
402 14 38

September 24, 2012

- 13:04 -

Harry: Hey you guys we have two weeks until we have to present our Psychology report in class! Oh my God! :<

Louis: add the new one bro

Harry Styles added Zayn Malik

Harry: Hi new group mate, Zayn :>

Zayn: Hey bros

Zayn: Louis bro, didn't know you were in Psychology for sophomores.

Louis: yeah well i failed psychology in my sophomore year.

Zayn: what happened mate? You're like smashing it right now.

Louis: i don't attend classes and never studied ha!

Zayn: Damn bro

Louis: it's okay bro I'll definitely pass now.

Zayn: bro you better.

- 15:07 -

Harry: So when are we going to work on our project you guys?

Liam: Yous can come to me and Louis' flat this Friday night, and you don't have to return till Sunday night.

Niall: Sounds brilliant.

Harry: Two nights in your flat.

Harry: ...

Louis: say it curly!

Harry: I love it!

Louis: of course you do ;)

Zayn: stop flirting you two haha

Louis: bruh what

Harry: WhAt

Zayn: I'm joking, relax. Jeez Louise.

Liam: This Friday night it is then.

- 16:49 -

Harry: Where do you live Zayn?

Zayn: My parents have a townhouse in Central London, so I stay there.

Harry: You live with your parents?

Zayn: Nah, they're in Bradford. Or usually around the world, my dad travels.

Louis: a lot

Zayn: bro ;)

Louis: bro!


Harry: I reckon you two know each other?

Louis: best mate

Zayn: when I first came to Uni, he was the one who showed me around.

Harry: Awww :>


Harry: Do you guys have plans for dinner?

Niall: Yes lad, I'm off to dinner with my brother. He came to visit with my nephew.

Niall: *image attached*


Harry: :O

Harry: OH MY GOD


Harry: HIS EYES!!!!!!!!!

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