Will You Marry Me? (PruIta)

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Feliciano, Gilbert and their son Aksel were in Gilbert's house(Which was actually Ludwigs), Feli was feeding Aksel with a bottle and Gilbert was watching Tv. The door opened and Ludwig came through in the door.

"Gilbert I'm Home- What is he doing here?!" Ludwig asked angrily, Feli rolled his eyes and Gilbert got up.

"That he is my boyfriend, bruder" Gilbert said, glaring at the Blonde German. Ludwig sighed and went to his room, Gilbert sighed and went back to Feliciano.

"Sorry Feli, you know how Ludwig is" Gilbert said, Feli nodded and burped his son.

"Hey Feli"

"Yea Gilly?"

"Do you want to go out tonight? I could ask Logan(Luxembourg) to babysit Aksel" He said, Feliciano nodded, Gilbert smiled and went to the house phone and called Luxembourg.


"Hi Lux, it's me Prussia"

"Oh hello Prussia, what is it do you need?"

"Well I was wondering if you could babysit my son Aksel tonight?"

"Sure, I would love too-Stop it Bella!- Sorry Gilbert, I'll be there tonight, Bye"

"Yea bye" Gilbert said and hung up to get ready.

At Night

Knock! Knock!

Gilbert went to the door and saw Luxembourg and Belgium at the door.

"Hi Gilbert!" Belgium said happily "Where's the baby?"

"Upstairs taking a nap, don't bother him because he gets cranky if you do" The albino said, Belgium nodded and went to the living room, Luxembourg was listening to the instructions of how to take care of Aksel. Feliciano came downstairs and once Gilbert saw him, he kissed him.

"-And if you need to call us, the number is on the-

"-Gilbert, I'll be fine, go ahead and enjoy your night" Logan said, almost getting annoyed. Gilbert and Feliciano went out the door and drove off to their date.

At Some Fancy German Restaurant

"Hallo! How many?" A waiter asked

Gilbert put up two fingers "Two please" the waiter nodded and took them to an outside table to see the stars that twinkling in the sky.

"Ve~ The Stars are beautiful tonight" Italy said

Prussia smiled "Yep but not as beautiful as you Feli" he said, Italy blushed red. The two talked for a little bit until the waiter came.

"What can I get you two?" He asked

Prussia looked at the menu "I'll have (insert German food here) with a glass of wine" The waiter wrote that down and looked at Italy.

"And for you?"

"I'll have Pasta! With a glass of water!" The waiter nodded and walked away. Minutes later, their food came and both enjoyed their meals. When they were done, Gilbert left a Euro on the table and both left.

"Where too Gil?" Italy asked as he was putting on his seabelt.

Prussia looked at Italy and smirked "Somewhere special" He said and then turned the car on and drove off, both were unaware that a black car was following them.

When they got to place, Gilbert helped Italy get off the car, he told Italy that he was gonna blindfold him but guide him.

"Gilbert, can I see now?"

"No yet Feli" Feli sighed and he felt Gilbert stop and he stopped too, The blindfold came off and Feli gasped at the scene. It was a lake with fireflies flying around and a bright full moon was out tonight.

"Its beautiful,huh?" Feli nodded, Gilbert smiled and took out a black box from his pocket and got on one knee.

"Feli, turn around to me" Gilbert said, Feliciano turned around and gasped.


"Will you marry me?" He asked

"I can't let you do that Gilbert" a voice said, Gilbert recognized that voice, out from the shadows came out Ludwig.

"Ludwig?! What are you doing here?!" Feliciano yelled

"To stop you from marrying that selfish idiot" Germany said, Feliciano sighed angrily and walked towards his ex and punched him hard. Ludwig groaned amd fell on his knees.

"Well You don't have to stop me because you know why? I will marry him and you can't stop me from doing that, There's a reason why I broke up with you, I loved Gilbert when I was with you and that he was always nice to me when you were angry at me. So, if you do that again, I. Will. Kill. You" He threatened, Gilbert looked shocked at his fiancee. Feliciano walked to Gilbert and took the ring and put it on his finger.

"And for your question, I will marry you" Gilbert cheered and kissed Feliciano.

5 Months Later

"Do you Gilbert take Feliciano Vargas to have and to hold, for richer and for poor, and in sickness and in health?"

"I Do"

The priest turned to Italy.

"Do you Feliciano take Gilbert to have and to hold, for richer and for poor and in sickness and in health?"

Feli smiled "Ve~ I do!"

"Then I now pronounce you as husband and wife, Gilbert you may kiss the bride"

Gilbert wrapped his arms around the brunettes waist and Feliciano wrapped his arms around the albinos arms and both kissed lovingly.

The End! Not the book but the chapter, it took me days to write this but now it's finished.

If there's any pairing that you want to have children and get married, comment it.


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