Sick (GerIta)

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It was a daily World Meeting in Madrid, Spain, all the nations were of course not getting anything done, Germany was fed up.

"All of you! Shut up and get back to your-


"Bless you Italy" Germany said to his friend/crush

"Thank you *sneezes* Lud- *sniffles* -wig" Italy said sickly, all the nations looked at Italy worried, his nice tan skin was pale and his nose was red.

Germany put his hand on Italy's forehead "Italy! Your burning up!" Ludwig said, worried, Germany picked up Italy and took him to a other room, he gently laid him down and took of his suit. Italy coughed and sneezed.

"Italy, is there something wrong with your economy?" Germany asked, Italy shook his head. Germany sighed and gave Italy some medicine.

"Ludwig" Italy groaned

"Get some sleep lov-Italy" Ludwig said quickly

"I can't, I'm hungry" Italy said

"What do you want?" The blonde nation asked

"Pasta" Italy whispered, Germany smiled and nodded, seconds later, He came back with a plate of pasta.

"Thanks Luddy"

"Your welcome Feli"

2 days later, Italy was healthy and happy again.

"Ve~ I feel better! Oh! I should thank Ludwig!" The brunette said, he went to his house to see Germany on his bed, sick, Italy gasped

"Uwaa! What happened to you Germany!"

Germany coughed "I guess I got sick, from when I was taking care of you"

"Sorry Ludwig"

"It's alright"

"Ve~ Since you took care of me! I should repay the favor!" Italy said and went to care for him.



"I...I love you"

"Ve~ I love you too Luddy" Italy said, Germany smiled, he finally got what he wanted, he wanted to be with the brunette, forever and always.

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