Chapter 4

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Soot ran for the entrance,
Bursting through the brambles and racing across the forest. Low branches hit her in the face as she whizzed past the trees, only blurs of brown and green hovering in the corner of her eye. She burst out into the open clearing, collapsing by a large tree root. Her breathing was shallow from all the running, and her legs were numb. She had always known her father was ambitious, power hungry, and above all, greedy. But for some reason the thought of his actual success never occurred as authentic. She just...
Her ears perked as she heard rustling in the bushes. Three cats appeared. One male, two females.
A fluffy white she-cat lead the group into the center of the large open plain, scanning the area for something.
Soot huddled farther into the wedge in the roots, ears flattened. The scent of clan filled her nostrils, making her flare with anger.
She peered over the root, uneasy at how close the clan cats were. Carefully, she crept out from behind the root. She was about to dart across the clearing back to the sanctuary of the trees when a loud yowl sounded from behind her. "You!" it said. "Stop right where you are." The white shecat padded forward, her two associates' ears pointed back. "Looks like a pack cat," the male sneered. "Maybe we should just kill her now."
"Hush, Reedwind." the white shecat snapped. "Froststar, don't you think it would be wise to take her prisoner instead? Killing her would be pointless, and letting her go would cause more danger for the clan."
"Yes, I believe you are correct, Flametail. Reedwind, Flametail, restrain this cat."
Soot hissed furiously at them as the approached her, but they were too fast, not to mention she was way smaller than them.
"Let me go!" She squirmed in between their flanks. "No use, worm." Reedwind sneered. "Let's get back to camp before her buddies come." Flametail advised. Froststar gave a flick of her tail, signaling for them to move out. Soot begrudgingly followed, growling the whole way and occasionally whispering insults in their ears.

Upon arriving at their camp, they let her go, shoving her in and past a curious looking guard. Froststar leapt up onto a large outcropping of rock, giving a loud yowl that echoed in the cavern. "Cats of SnowClan! today our patrol brings with us a prisoner of the Rushing Blood!" A series of triumphant shrieks came from the large gathering of cats. Froststar waited for them to calm down before continuing. "it is only a kit, not much of a prize. No matter! This could almost definitely mean a new addition to the clan!" This time it was whispers of confusion. "I know that many of you will be very unsatisfied with my decision. But this is a kit not yet influenced by her pack's selfish and bloodthirsty ways. I believe that we can turn her into a strong warrior of SnowClan."
Both spiteful and positive remarks spouted from the clan. Froststar yowled for silence. "Young kit," she turned to Soot. "What is your name?"
Soot knew she shouldn't answer, but her ego got in the way. "I am Soot! Daughter of Snake! And i know for a fact that the Rushing Blood will overcome you puny weasels in less than a fortnight of fighting!" She yowled triumphantly. "Pfft, so much for no influence." Reedwind whispered. Flametail simply ignored him.
"Well, Soot," the leader peered down at the small kit. "I will give you three sun rises to prove that you are worthy of a position in our clan. Should you fail to impress me, we shall throw you to BlazeClan. And believe me when i say that they don't take kindly to pack cats." She turned back to the clan. "Clan dismissed."

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