Most Asked Questions Being Answered

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Okay.... I'm going to answer these once more. Please.... These are such repetitive questions.. -sweatdrops- I'm going to answer these in what I really, really would say in real life and not just online. Don't think I'm trying to be rude. These have been asked too many times already and it's quite tiring repeating myself every day or so.

1. How do you draw so good?

-Okay. What kind of question is this? I mean I just draw and practice every day, at least 3-5+ doodles a day. That's it. Practice. What more can I do? I've also been drawing for about, I don't know, 7 years already? Since 5th grade.

2. Can you do a tutorial on ________?

-I don't do tutorials. Sorry. Never planned to either. Plus, I dislike people who try to mimic my art style or designs.

3. Can I request you to draw something?

-No. No, you can't. Requests aren't open, please be aware of that. And plus even if they were, people are just way too impatient with me. Look, I'm an 11th grader who has to cram homework every day from the time I get home from school til midnight. Unless I'm lucky enough to get less homework, then at least til 10-11 PM. If more than usual, then at least 1-2 AM. I draw when I finish my homework or when I find time to fit in such time into my schedule like during one of my classes when we take notes. I've told many that already and they go, "Oh, okay! Take your time, but don't take too long!" and then the next day or so... "Are you done with my request yet?" My god. I'd love to block people like that.

4. Can you check out my art book(or any sort of book)?

-Nope. Self advertising is a no-no in my book. My apologies. Oh and plus, claiming yourself to be a good artist is being a cocky person, not an actual artist. Keep that in mind. It's not wrong to be proud of your work, but just don't say it out loud. No actual artist will really believe that.

5. Can you teach me how to draw?

-Actually, I can not. No one can. Sure there are art classes, but those are usually realism classes.... I don't specialize in realism. But art is supposed to be something unique where we all have different art styles and details, not carbon copies of each other. It's from your own talent and what you can muster up from yourself. You can say that I'm wrong if you want, but this is my thoughts and opinions on art. I guess that's why my art style and designs are so different from many. I can give tips though. Just not legitimately teach you. 

6. How do you create your own OC(Original Character)?

-I really can't help you with that either..... That also comes from your own thoughts and imaginations.


- Obviously keep practicing when you can. I heard several people complain to me that practicing doesn't help them. I asked them, "How often do you practice your art?" Guess what their answer was? "Once every 2 weeks." Or "Twice a month." Or "3 times a week." Again. I didn't get up here because I've been dawdling around. I practice drawing every day even if I'm busy. I just squeeze it in last minute or in between homework time if I even have to. My next question would be, "How many drawings?" Their answers? "One." Yeah. That won't help you improve at all. I draw at least 3-5 or more drawings every single day; I'm serious. Do you really think you'll improve just like that? It takes time, patience, practice, effort, and understanding to improve. Just think about it. Take little steps and gradually build it up. Again, sitting there and praying for something to appear on your paper is not going to help you improve.

- Anatomy problems? Study actual anatomy to get a basic understanding of it or use references to understand the body more. Don't rely on references too much. Do you know why? That's considered stealing. Even if you change the character in that picture or even if it's in your art style, that's still stealing. I advise you to be careful on that. Just look at how their bodies are like, how they are posed and how they are structured to pose like that. Draw the poses and get a better understanding of it. After that, don't rely on references anymore and you'll be fine. Draw what you can remember and test yourself whether it's correctly drawn or not. It all comes from your head. Please do not steal anything. I will hate you for that and it will actually indirectly or even directly hurt the real artist. They will find it eventually, so don't post such heavily referenced photos. Hell don't post art and claim them yours if you know it isn't. You'll get caught. You can also use yourself or your friends as a reference to help you. If you need even more help, then go for guidelines. I personally don't like guidelines though, haha.

- Creating an OC is no simple task. What I do is think of what I want him or her to be like. I'll take Rowan, my lovely little Fire Emblem OC, for an example.

Rowan: Lovely.... Hehe.. -blush-

-Pats- I wanted him to fit in with his mother Lillian and by doing that I took her little piece of design, but that doesn't matter, lol. Since I wanted him to start off as a mage class, I had to imagine how a mage would look like. Mages usually wear robes, dresses, capes(not all the time), gloves (not all the time), boots or sandals, sashes or other accessories, and hats(not all mages wear one though). The thing was, I wanted him to fit the look of a childish, anxious, crybaby kind of guy so I gave him puffy shorts, a thing you usually see bubbly or childish characters wear. To match the shorts, I had him wear a sleeveless shirt identical to Lillian's top. Since my baby (yes, I call all my characters, heck even characters I obsess over, my babies.) is a mage, I wanted him to take on an appearance of a mage by giving him a long cape, a robe, and a giant pointy hat. His sleeves are big and loose because the lack of gloves and to match his shorts, he wears ankle boots. To cover up the fact that he has shorts underneath, he has a piece of cloth around his waist acting like a long skirt to cover it up. His robe and skirt is held together by a sash. The cape and his sleeves have metal ornaments and ribbon to keep them decorated as well. His eyes are slightly sharp but at the same time is round to make him look less menacing and more innocent. His hair is fluffy and quite long to also show a more childish look or slightly wimpy and kind spirited boy. Sounds simple, but it isn't, haha. Please, whatever you do, don't search up a photo and post it up saying that it's your OC or how they are supposed to look like. That's being unoriginal and that's also stealing the artist's credit as well as work. That character DOES NOT belong to you and you know that. 

- Colors...... Just try not to clash them. I'm no expert when it comes to color palettes or coloring in general. Use a color wheel if you have to. It's usually the colors across from one another or next to each other/in the same group that matches with each other. Take purple, navy blue, and white for example. That's a clashing match. Take gold, royal blue, and white. Not so much clashing. Study about color palettes to get a better understanding on them it'll help you a lot more than not knowing how to mix and match colors. Create your own color palette if you like, it's possible.

- Coloring is a difficult task. Since I'm a self taught artist, I only follow my guts. LOL. Um, if you need to know where the light is shining on, then just draw a sun somewhere on your paper to help or on a different piece of paper and place it somewhere to indicate light shining on that side. Don't use the colors in the same color group to shade (blue with navy blue) (pink with hot pink) use different colors to shade (blue with purple, pink with red or maroon) Study how other artists color and try to create your own coloring style.

- TRY to get out of your comfort zone. Draw something a little difficult each time you feel like you can do it. You know, try out new things and expand even more in your skills. Polish it up.

- Be positive. Don't be negative. You do know that emotions effect your art, right? Cause that is entirely true.

- Emotions effecting your art? What about sleep? Yes. Sleep also affects your art.

- Drawing in general. Look for inspiration. Surf on the internet and admire other artists and think to yourself you'll soon reach to that point without backing down. Set a goal for yourself. "I'll someday be able to draw a pig." Okay, keep practicing until you get your pig down. Same goes for the hands and bodies or whatever you want to improve on drawing. Repetitively keep drawing them. 

- Keep old art. You can look back at it an be like "Ugh... Did I really draw this? That's disgusting..." No, just kidding(I actually do that, but don't think it's really for that). It actually helps to look back at them and reflect what you did wrong. Try to improve what was wrong with it and redraw your old art to see how much you improve.

Anymore questions???

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