Bonnie x lilly

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Bonnie's POV
It was finally fall, they say it's the coldest it's ever been me and Mac some how got sick I refused to say I was sick and Max did to but that didn't turn out so well. We both had gotten the flew and the doctor said it was the worst he's ever seen "your burning up, have you took the aspirin." I shook my head yes I was feeling horrible "mommy I don't feel good." Max walked in he had on shorts and a shirt he was burning up to "come here baby." She picked him up and sat him in her lap and put her cheek to his "your burning up to." She rubbed his hair "my poor boys aren't feeling good." She handed me Max and folded out the couch bed "why don't you two sleep here while I go get some medicine for you two." She said as she helped me up to the bed. She wrote down some numbers and sat it on the coffee table next to me "if you need me you can call me or sugar or the others." She said as she go her back and coat and kissed me on the forehead "I don't want you getting sick by kissing me." She laughed a bit "just cause you two are sick doesn't mean I'm not gonna kiss you." She said as she walked over and kissed max who was asleep "I'll be back in a bit." And with that she left.

Lilly's POV
It was freezing out here I didn't have a car yet still so just walked to the pharmacy. Once I got there I went straight to the cold medicine and went to the check out line "Lilly is that you!?" I turned around to see a face I thought I'd nerve see "hey bonbon!" I hugged him and took the change for the medicine "what bring you here." He looked to be getting the same thing as me "well Bonnie and Max got real bad sick and wouldn't admit it when it wasn't bad and when it got real bad is when he did." He laughed a bit "that's Bonnie for ya, mangle got a cold so we decided to take care of it while it's not that bad." We walked out "well I gotta walk back." I said putting the medicine in my bag "nonsense I'll drive you over there." I looked at him "are you sure I don't want to be a bother to anyone." He put a arm on my shoulders "no you won't." We walked it the car and drove to my house. Once we got there bonbon stayed to help take care of Bonnie and Max "thanks for helping me." I said as I unlocked the door "no problem." We walked in and they had blankets covering them and eating soup "hey mommy." Sugar must have came and made soup we walked in all the way bonbon closed the door. Bonnie gave bonbon a death look "hey red nose." Bonbon said teasing Bonnie "okay you two." I said as I walked over to Bonnie and felt his forehead "your burring up still." I got out the medicine and read the back to see how much to give him "here take this." I handed him the grape medicine. He looked at it funny and poured it in his mouth "ack!" He handed me the empty cup "ugh that's disgusting." I kissed him on the fore head "you'll get use to it." I got up and got some for Max he seemed to take it better that Bonnie "wow a kid it able to take it better than you Bon." Bonnie looked at bonbon like he was killing him in his mind "don't call me that.." Bonnie said in a angry tone "okay you guys if you don't get along you or you'll be leaving and you'll be sent to another room." They both kept quiet. A little while later me and sugar had finished making supper "hey Lilly can you put this up there?" I shook my head yes and hoped on top of the stool I didn't like doing this cause I was scared of highs I got it up the and it wobbled. I slipped but someone caught me I opened my eyes to see bonbon "uh thanks." I said as I got down "your welcome." I helped Bonnie to the table and we ate. Later bonbon left to go home sugar took him home as she went home Bonnie couldn't go up the steps so I took Max to his room to sleep and slept down stairs with Bonnie. I snuggled up close to him but enough room to were he wouldn't get l hot "Lilly?" I looked up at him "do you like bonbon better than me?" I gave him a confused look "what makes you say that?" He looked away "I don't know it just seems like you like him better." I hugged him "I love you better your sweet and kind and your not conceded about your looks." I said laughing about the last part "I love you two." He said as he pulled me closer to his chest. The next morning Bonnie seemed to be felling a little better, the others came over "how you feeling dude." Freddy asked he shrugged a bit "better I guess nose is still stuffy." He said nuzzling my neck "so you two going out tonight?" Chica asked we looked at her confused "what do you mean?" Bonnie asked her foxy rolled his eyes "the lass was wondering when ye two were going to have a little one..." Both of our face heated up "why would you ask that!?" Chica skipped over to us "cause I was to be a aunt." Chica said giving us puppy eyes Bonnie looked at me I rolled my eyes "we'll think of it." Chica jumped in joy. Max walked down the stairs he must have just woke up "mommy..." I walked over to him "what's wrong sweetie?" He hugged me "I'm tired..." I picked him up "well that usually happens when you getting rid of a cold." I told him rubbing his back. The phone ran Chica picked it up "hello?" She handed me the phone "for you." She seemed annoyed "hello?" It was bonbon "uh hey um can you come down mangle isn't doing so well." He seemed worried "okay I'll be over in a bit okay." I told him "okay thanks Lilly." He hung up I hung up the called Agwa "yellow!" Agwa said cheerfully "hey Agwa can you come down and take care of Max and Bonnie for me while I go out." She laughed a bit in the background "yeah I'll be over there will all my doctor stuff okay." She said happily "okay Agwa thanks Agwa." I kissed Max and handed him to Bonnie "hey Max how you feeling?" Max just nuzzled his head into his dad's chest I kissed Bonnie and got my coat and bag "Agwa should be here in a bit to take care of you guys while your gone okay I'll be back later." I walked out the door " and of course if was super cold. I finally got to there house and was surprised. This house was huge I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Someone opened the door it was chichi (toy Chica) "hello?- Lilly!" She let me in "bonbon called me." She looked at me and smiled "he's in his room." I looked at her confused but walked up the stairs and to a hall of doors on door had a guitar on it so I guessed it was his room I knocked on the door "come in." I heard I walked in "you said mangle wasn't feeling better?" He rubbed his neck "well...I wanted you to come over so we could get to know each other better without Bonnie puppy guarding you." He looked at the floor "you could've said that, I know Bonnie puppy guards me all the time but he has his reasons." He looked at me "so um do you want to sit down." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him "so what do you want to talk about?" I asked him "I was hoping we could just talk." He seemed so nervous "okay."
I said laughing a bit we talked for a while then there was a knock on the door we both walked down and opened the door it was Bonnie "Bonnie what are you doing here?" Bonbon said Bonnie gave him a death look "where's Lilly?" Bonnie said angry yet annoyed I walked out from behind the door "Bonnie what are you doing here your supposed to be home in bed, why did Agwa let you out." He didn't have a jacket on or anything I brought him in and gave him my jacket and wrapped my arms around him trying to warm him up he was shivering badly "she didn't really let me out I kinda climbed out the window." He said wrapping his arms around he "Bonnie!"

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