A R T T A G. part guan.

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WARNING! THIS IS VERY. VERY. LONG. it's probably my update of the weekend.

That beautiful moment when you're tagged xD. *cough* *cough* Ralder *cough* *cough* Since tomorrow I am having physics exam, *shivers*, I am writing this in a free time 😂.

So without further delay, Lets begin!

1)Who is your inspiration?

Oh gods xD. I have soooo many inspiring artists I look up to.....so. I guess I'll only put some here.

🌷 Mah Lovable family! I thank them for all the support and art supplies❤️

🌷 My friends and teachers in real life! Looks at DaniiLarita . Almost forgot. The mask is made for you Mi Amiga! 😂❤️

🌷You guys here in Wattpad❤️ I'd list you all, but you've been listed xD. (Guys I love you reference~)

And some amazing artists like:

Ralder : Sis, I think you already know that I absolutely love and admire your art style. I also admire your super pro skills at practically everything xD. And also, mainly because you and I are the same age, and your so pro xD.Probably the words I'd use to describe your art are, simple, elegant, and beautiful.

SaitheVivana : Well Saithe xD. If you ever read this, I do have to tell you that I admire you a lot. Your art is absolutely brilliant, epic, and plainly magnificent xD. The originality and professionalism in your work is outstanding. Like gods xD. Your so pro!

Emilia0001 : Oh Moa! Where do I start xD. Your sketches, no matter if they are, digital, with pen, or pencil, are incredibly beautiful. I'd describe your art, as unparalleled, unique, and incredibly artistic. Also, your characters are always so.....fascinating. And of course, they have a hair that is absolutely envious 😂❤️.

And well outside of Wattpad, I really admire:

Kyoux: *fangirls* *fangirls* *fangirls*. Oh gods. His/her art is incredibly marvellous!! The word beautiful was made to describe her/his art. *fangirls*

I'll continue later.....

Random question! Who's your favourite artist? Mine is.....*looks at text* eh. It says there xD

L o v e y o u a l l?
-Edurne ❤️🐬🙏🏼

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