Lets do it.

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Ho, ho, ho, some OTP spam >:3

Okay, guys now let's get serious. Do you remember the user "Frawley " that I mentioned a few chapters ago? Well, since a group of persons and I got really mad......well, we're planning on making wattpad take her book down. It's an elaborated plan, that was thought by , SaitheVivana , Ralder . I think I'm just a side kick, but meh. Something is something.

We're going to do this to try to make "justice" on this girl. I, personally consider the things that she made corwardly and disgusting, but please, until the plan is executed, don't offend her, nor spam her.

We're trying to do this so that art can be shared and enjoyed without one, being afraid. So that everyone gets their respective respect, love, and congratulations as it should be. Please. Help us stop this.

All the complete info, is in Ralder 's art book. If your interested in participating, there you'll see how :')

Love you all,
-Edurne 🐬💧

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