Hazelwood Academy by SarahRuRu

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**A/N: This is the final version of Hazelwood Academy. Everything here is (C) SarahRuRu 2009. Please do NOT steal any of my ideas, or post this anywhere else. This is the whole story. I MIGHT make a sequel, but it wouldn't be anytime soon. Hope you liked it! Thank you, fans, for sticking with me all this time. I love you guys. Feel free to vote, comment, leave constructive criticism, and ask questions. <3 SarahRuRu I re-uploaded this with the proper spacing. Sorry about the screwed up spacing before.**

Hazelwood Academy


Point of view: Janice

I knew I should not have gone to Hazelwood Academy. I told my parents I would rather stay home, and go to the community high school like everyone else, but no, my education was better. I think all they wanted to do was get rid of me. Well they have their wish. Instead of being out of school for summer like everyone else, I am stuck in my school until I can prove to be "loyal" and "trustworthy", same with the rest of the student body. I wish I was out of here, and not just for the obvious reasons, freedom and being able to sleep in, I want to see my friends, my family, I want to see Texas and my room back home. Is that really too much to ask? Ugh, I hate it all. I swear if I have to learn anything else, my head is going to explode. If only my parents had sent me to a normal school, if only the students were not-- Janice wrote like mad in her journal, only to be interrupted by an annoying beeping sound coming from her computer. "Ugh!" Janice said as she got up from her plush window seat and walked over to the outlet by her computer. When she got a few feet away, she grabbed the black cord running from her computer to the outlet and pulled on it until it came out of the wall. "I know this was partly my fault, but come on. I do not want to have to swear loyalty. That's just stupid are we in the middle ages or something, where we have to swear fealty to out king? Come on!" Janice said still furious although it had been a couple of weeks since she got her punishment.

Hazelwood Academy

Chapter 1: The Arrival

Point of view: Ryliee

Ryliee gazed out the square beveled glass window of her dorm at Hazelwood Academy, watching all of the new students arrive in their fancy sports cars and limos. Everyone did the same thing, arrive, get out of the car, grab luggage, and try to size everyone else up. The reason Ryliee watched this process repeatedly was simply because she had nothing better to do. Ryliee arrived at Hazelwood three days ago due to date mix-ups. Since then, she has had time to meet every single creature in this whole dang school, tour the campus multiple times, and unpack and set up all of her possessions in her new dorm. Talk about nothing to do. Ryliee's room is currently spotless and furnished with the most resent and expensive items available in stores. From the black satin sheets on her bed to the flat screen TV mounted on the wall, it is a picture perfect example of a teenagers dream room. Ryliee was just about to get up from her seat at the beveled window when she noticed a guy about her age staring up at her through the window... Before she could think of how to react, move or keep looking out the window, her computer played the now-familiar double beep sound. This told her she was due somewhere else, or that she should start doing something better then whatever she was doing at the time. Unlike the other times she heard the double beep, she was grateful; it made the fight or flight decision for her. Ryliee quickly got up off the plush dark purple cushion on the dark stained wood window seat and went over to the corner where her computer was nicely set up, with the rest of her school supplies. Which were again, the most modern and expensive you could get. She peered at the little message box centered on her desktop and read the words written there:

"Attention, all students, please report to the main lecture hall for introductions and opening ceremonies. - Headmaster Eric"

Ryliee disregarded the message and pictured the twenty-something Headmaster she had the "pleasure", his word not hers, to meet only three days prior, his physique was enough to put any other school's Headmaster or Principle to shame; he looked like a freaking model! If only he-Ryliee's thought broke off as she just now processed how long she's been sitting at her desk staring at her computer screen which was way too long. "I can't be late to my first meeting! What kind of impression do I want to give the others? Jeez, I think these three days without social interaction are getting to me... Ugh! Now look, I'm talking to myself!" Ryliee scolded herself, while looking in the mirrored closet doors making sure she looked presentable. Her outfit of designer blue skinny jeans and a fitted black Polo shirt paired with red ballet flats and a tiny red designer handbag would not give any bad impressions, right? It looked cute in the catalog... but aren't they Photoshopped or something? After brushing her blonde hair out again with the brush she had placed in the first drawer of her vanity table she looked at her blue eyes in the mirrored doors to make sure her eyeliner was perfect, not smudged or running, just a line of blackness. Lastly, she grabbed her ring and necklace off the vanity table and put them on, centering the blue stone around her neck and the matching blue stone on her finger. Doing one last mirror check, and assuring herself she looked okay, no one would look as if they've seen a ghost or anything after looking at her outfit, she grabbed her room key card, and raced out the door. In her hurry, she did not notice that it did not shut all the way behind her.

Hazelwood Academy and it's sequel, Truth and Tales... the Aftermath of Hazelwood Academy Where stories live. Discover now