Chapter 5. A demon to be reckoned with.

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I couldn't breathe. The sword slowly pierced my skin further and then lifted. I struggled for air. Kaname's shadow suddenly stood in front of my now knelt body. At that moment i felt no pain, my breath came back, there was no blood or sword in my skin. "What."I said very confused. "Is this her doing, Kaname?" I asked panting. "Perhaps, this rarely happens but when it does, there is only destruction" he reinforced me. "I'm not going to let her win, how do i kill the demon within?" I asked frustrated. "Just try to forget about it for now. The time is yet to come" Kaname said with such certainty. "The game is not yet finished?" I replied. "The pieces aren't ready yet" he said and disappeared when i looked back up to see him. "Hah. Vampires. All the same." i said amused.

"So where did you head out in this fine morning?" I asked Zero delighted. "Thats my business" He said. "Strictly hunting i see" i replied with a smile on my face. He gave me odd stare and a lip twitch. "Haha, that's only me assuming since you haven't pointed your gun at me yet" I said. "Run out of bullets?" I said chuckling. "I don't know if i still have any left but i could see if you like" Zero said, gun jumping out from his uniform. "Why are you here anyway?" he asked plainly. "Shoot me, i dare you. I just thought a nice stroll out in the open will do me some good, that is especially, because you and Yuki don't seem to care when i do. But to be truely honest, im lonely and your the only person who puts up with me other than Yori and Yuki but they're always busy besides class. Im not asking you to be my friend but will you atleast put up with me for the time being?" I asked. "Save your breath, whats to say I'll be perfect company?" "The perfect thing is you already are" I said. I saw his lips forming a slight smile and then he reminded me "Why are you so cheery today?" He asked. "Well the thing is-'Speak of the devil, hey Yuki'. "Hello, what are you guys doing?" Yuki said with such a sweet voice. As Zero and i stood in front of the night class gates, i wondered myself how we found ourselves here. "Um.."I started but then was quickly interrupted. "I knew you would come here" Zero said with such certainty that it made me believe he could foresee the future. "Well i'm just gonna, go around here and leave you guys to it" i said half walking away, full awkwardness. "Oh okay" said Yuki "You really should be heading back to the dorms". "Yep, thats exactly where I'm going,..right now" I said as i slowly walking in the opposite way i just started strolling to.

 Okay, i may have lied to Yuki. There were just demons waiting for me inside, so i decided to walk around the grounds again and found a spot i liked underneath the trees. Just as i lied down underneath the shady, sorrowful night sky, i saw a man, a teacher maybe? His rugged, unruly hair fell in front of one eye where it looked like he had an eyepatch underneath. Was he carrying a rifle? That's it, i'm done being surprised. I now will always expect the unexpected to keep my sanity. His cigarette fell from his emotionless lips where one last deep smoky breath he breathed out. He looked at me, not surprised nor hate filled. Just blank, how did i recognise him though? I have never seen him at all, that was what i told myself. I must pay no attention. As i slowly lied behind the bushes, under a nice tree i saw Zero. He began panting and begins taking off his uniform. By the time he had taken off his blazer, Yuki arrived with a worried look on her face. They both said little and then SPLASH! "Zero!" Yuki screeched. They were in the water beside them. As they slowly make their way to oxygen again, that man stood in front of Zero rifle aimed at his face. NO, this couldn't happen, i let out a whimper and then Bang! It was as if everything was seen in slow motion because just as he pulled the trigger picture by picture i saw the bullet slowly makes its way past Zero's shoulder. Thank god, only a graze. "Zero" i whimpered but now with relief. As Zero slowly stumbled out of the water and staggered past the mysterious man, he laid one hand on his shoulder. Wait. Did they know each other? I saw some form of recognition in his eyes.  I was clearly missing something in this picture. Suddenly the headmaster jumped out of the darkness to where Yuki was kneeling on the concrete. "Yuki are you alright?!" asked the headmaster worriedly. "Uh I'm fine..Zero"she muttered. After this i left, only leaving a small sound of the shrubs i just scraped, i was filled with some odd feeling and heard the gun shot again.

I was shaking intensely and could not breathe for several moments. Did i just have a panic attack? Whatever it was, i slowly became more stable each second until my body allowed myself to walk again. This time i decided to take the path way to the dorms as i scratched my leg on a twig off a bush before. There he was. The mysterious man with the rifle and unruly haired eyed me suspiciously. "Quite late for a student to be outside isn't it?" he asked with a small laugh. "Perhaps. Are you a teacher?" I asked instead. The ash remains of his cigarette fell on grass without a sound and he leaned back once more to a tree, arms folded. "Perhaps, you could say that" he said coldly. "You saw me before but didn't care, i wonder why. Was it necessary to shoot him, he seems pretty sain to me?" i asked with half a smile. "Yes, when he cannot control himself. You saw it yourself. A bullet seemed to straighten him out" He said. "I suppose, he isn't an animal though" "He is a senseless beast" the man replied defensively. "Well he definately isn't one by choice, i see him fighting it all the time..for someone" I said, should i trust this man? Yes, he seemed to know Zero and i have a strange feeling that it is alright. "Well teacher, i must be going. Nice to meet you, if we ever stumble upon each other again you can address me as Scarlett" I said. "Hm." He said with a chuckle. "You may address me as Mr Yagari, with the chance we will cross paths again".

Another person, another shadow, another mystery. Another thing that lurked inside my mind now and would not simply shake out of my head. Zero. Where was he now? I slowly sneaked into my dorm not creating such a noise and tried to give my mind up to sleep. I need to forget about it for one night. Sweet dreams fall after few seconds and i wonder how long will this last?

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