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A/N: I haven't really edited it but I thought I should publish something soooo... yeah. Enjoy


        Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

        My eyes flashed open as I heard the familiar sound of the alarm blaring from my phone. I groaned to myself as I checked the time.

        9:47 AM.

        Get ten hours of sleep. Check. I rolled out of bed drowsily as I headed to the calendar hanging by my bedroom door.

        Monday, October 5th. I shuddered as I stared at the date, reliving the night I had decided to give up on my life.

        Exactly two years had passed since that night. A lot had happened in those two years. I spent weeks at the hospital, where every doctor watched over me, as if I was some child. They even sent in a “special” doctor for me. The ones they used for the patients who belonged in a mental hospital.

        As soon as the doctors cleared me, I was shipped off to psychiatric rehabilitation. I wasn’t surprised. I mean where else would they put someone who had just attempted suicide?

        After a year and 10 months of rehab, I was finally released. Which brings us to last Monday: my first official day back home.

        My best friend, Skye, who first greeted me with a long hug and a basket full of flowers and chocolate, drove me to the big New York apartment building where I lived. Skye, who lived on the 8th floor, was given the job to check up on me and make sure I followed all the rules my doctors had set.

        Getting up to my small apartment on the 13th floor was worse than the time the doctors forced me to “talk about my feelings” to the 12 other fucked up “kids” who were suffering from who knows what.

        As I entered the lobby, everyone who worked there gave me a surprised look. They probably didn’t know I was going to come back... ever. I stared at the ground as Skye dragged me into the elevator. The people who entered and exited the elevator on the way up tried to make small talk to break the ice, but the awkwardness was building. As soon as I was in my apartment, I thanked Skye and locked myself in, never to leave ever again.

        That is... until today. It was October 5th, a week after my release. The doctor insisted that I should start leaving the apartment after a week had ended. It wasn’t like I was having the time of my life in my tiny 2 bedroom box. If it weren’t for the people who had nothing better to do but judge, I would have ran into the fresh air in a heartbeat.

        I sighed as I turned away from the calendar and made my way to the closet and threw on some jeans and a random shirt. After my 45 minute morning routine, I quietly made my way out of the apartment towards the elevator. As the doors opened, I came face to face with a young man, about 22 years old, with auburn hair and bright blue eyes. Riley.

        “Damnnnn, Iris, did rehab make you sexier?” Riley smirked. I looked down at my black skinny jeans and plain purple shirt which was at least 2 sizes too big on me.

        “Get out of my way, Riley,” I muttered, switching places with him. I really did not want to deal with people right now.

        “What the hell? Feisty...”

        I rolled my eyes at his comment and pressed the “close door” button. Riley always irritated me. He would come home every other night with a different girl and he made it very clear that his new mission was to get me to be one of them.

        NEVER gonna happen...

        I spent the rest of the day at Central Park. I watched as the birds flew and the kids played. I envied the the little kids. I’m 21. People my age only have the time to think about is work, money and relationships. And for special cases like me, you can add an extra load of “suicide attempt” to my worries. Those kids don’t have anything to worry about, other than what kind of ice cream they wanted in the evening.

        After what seemed like hours of wandering the city, I made my way back to the apartment.

        Spend at least 4 hours outside your home. Check.

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