Who Am I Really?

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"That's unfair!" Makoto exclaimed standing up from where she sat.

"Sit down Makoto, this has nothing to do with you," the Queen said in a calmly fashion.

"Like hell it does! You're telling us that you want to send thirteen of us to the Academy, just so you can find out how we can learn the names of our zanpakuto! This has everything to do with us. We all hate the soul reapers and you want us to interact with them? I'm not doing it!"

"Makoto!" The Queen shouted, surprising everyone in the room. "You have no say to this. If I say you are to go, then you are to follow my orders."

Grumbling, Makoto left the throne room cursing at everything and everyone. How can her own mother do this to her? Sending her and other changelings. Sure, her mother has other plans once they learn the names of their zanpakutos, but this is just cruel. Makoto hated the soul reapers, they think they were so superior to everything else. Well, Makoto and they other changelings will show them.

Soon after the meeting they had just finished, Makoto and twelve other changelings were enrolled into the Soul Reaper Academy, no longer in their true forms. And thus began Makoto's nightmare.

"Makoto!" someone yelled, shaking me. "Makoto wake up!" I jolted awake staring at Ichigo.

"Huh? What's going on? Have they come for me?" I asked, groggily. Ichigo shook his head and stepped back.

"You were yelling and swearing in your sleep, I wasn't sure if I should have woken you up," he said, but he didn't sound like Ichigo.

"Kon?" I asked, sitting up and slid out of the closet. He nodded.

"Ichigo's out fighting some hollow. Man, you're lucky no one's home."

"Where is everyone?" I asked, rubbing my arm still thinking over the dream.

"Karin's at soccer practice, Yuzu's doing something at school and Isshin's at Kisuke's. Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," he said, worried.

"I'm fine, I just really need to talk to Isshin right now," I said. There's something different about me and I need to find out the truth.

I don't think you can handle the truth, Makoto, the stupid voice said.

I whirled around, pointed at my zanpakuto and glared at it. "You listen here mister! I don't answer to you. You can't tell me what I can and cannot handle. You know something about me that I don't know, so either you tell me or I'll figure out on my own," I finished and I could feel Kon's worried look behind me. When my zanpakuto didn't answer, I nodded, crossing my arms. "I thought so."

"Where are you going?" Kon asked as I walked to the window and climbed through.

"To Kisuke's," I simply said.

"I was told that you aren't to leave the house!" Kon exclaimed, grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back.

"Hey!" I shouted, trying to get out of his grip. "Let go!"

"I can't let you leave!"

"I really need to talk to Isshin about something!"

"Then wait until he gets home."

"But this can't wait!" I insisted.

"Ichigo gave me strict instructions that I'm to look after you. And I'm following those orders," he said, still holding me. I sighed in defeat, but I didn't give up.

And for the next hour or so, that's how it went between the two of us. Kon still held me, I squirmed trying to get out as we close to yelled about me leaving the house or not. We didn't hear the door open and someone walking in until said person cleared their throat. Kon and I stopped arguing and looked over to see Ichigo with his arms crossed, raising his eyebrows.

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