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trigger warning \\ gore

Luke was confused when he was called from class. He had a pink note in his hands telling him his mother was waiting for him outside. Last he checked, his mother wasn't supposed to be picking him up early.

His confusion was clear when Michael's truck next to the curb, his boyfriend in the front seat with a smile.

Luke hopped in, throwing his backpack and textbooks in the back cabin. "Hello, Mother."

"Don't call me that, we fuck," Michael said as he put the car into drive.

"This note here says that Mama Hemmings is picking me up for a doctor's appointment."

Michael stopped at a red light, looking over at Luke. "Well Mama Hemmings doesn't know you're pregnant."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, confusion once again plastered on his face. "What?"

"I'm taking you to the OB/GYN, wanna make sure everything in there is looking okay." Michael turned right, heading towards downtown.

The blonde looked down at his flat stomach. "Oh."

Mike reached over, placing his hand on the thin boy's thigh. "It'll be fine. Just wanna make sure everything is the way it's supposed to be." Michael was secretly hoping that their doctor would tell them that there was no egg, that it was just a pregnancy scare.

He wanted children, just not now. Even in a few months would be better than at that exact moment.

"Are they going to stab me?"

Michael chuckled as he ran his hands up and down Luke's leg, "Er, can't make any promises. I've never been to a pregnancy doctor, Luke."

Luke froze up. "Mikey," he whined, "I'm afraid of needles."

"Really?" Michael looked over at Luke quickly before looking back at the road. "Oh, Man. You're in for a ride then."


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said between laughs.

"This isn't funny!" Luke pushed Michael's hand away and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry, Baby, I didn't mean to make you mad."

Luke shook his head, refusing to respond.

"Lukey, come on."

"What if they realize I'm a minor?"

"They won't, it's under my name." Michael hovered his hand over Luke's thigh, waiting for some type of consent.

Luke sighed and entwined their fingers. "I hate you."

"I know you do." He squeezed their palms together.

Their ride was silent as their minds filled with loud thoughts. They were afraid, but there was an undertone of excitement.

No where in Luke's mind did he question if he was going to end his life with Michael one day. He was going to marry that boy, he knew it from day one. This was just another rough chapter in their book.

Michael was sure that he would one day soon get that ring on Luke's left hand, he just wasn't ready yet.

They arrived in the pastel painted doctor's office minutes later. Luke only cried for three minutes after being informed he'd need blood drawn.

Michael watched Luke walk back from the lab—where he was pricked at with needles—and sulk into the leant back chair.

Luke crossed his arms over his chest and slowly turned to glare at his boyfriend.

Mike tried to hide his laugh. "I'm sorry."

"I hate you so much," he said, wiping at his eyes.

Michael scooted closer, the scrape of the plastic chair squeaking against the tiled floors. He pried Luke's hand away from his torso, entwining their fingers. He kissed at his fingertips, then knuckles, then the back of his hand. "It's done for now, yeah? You made it through."

"They're gonna make me come back in, like, a month and stab be again." Luke tired not to look at the band-aid covering up the inside of his right elbow. His right arm felt weak and he felt queasy.

Michael squeezed his hand again, not wanting to scare the younger boy. Supposing there was indeed a thing growing inside of his womb, he'd have to go through a lot more tests involving needles.

Their doctor walked in, intruding the awkward silence.

She introduced herself as Dr. Daisy, an atrociously fake smile over her bright pink lips. She shook both of their hands before sitting down in her chair. She started up her computer, looking over Luke's new file.

Michael stared at Luke and Luke stared at Michael. They could have conversations with their eyes, and they were both petrified. It could be seen by the way their eyebrows crinkled and their eyelids folded. They were scared of whatever the result may be.

Their last hope that everything was a bad dream disappeared when she confirmed the pregnancy. Luke could feel his breath start to fall short as his heart dropped deep. He lost feeling in his hands, he couldn't feel the comfort Michael radiated.

Mike continued squeezing the life from the boy's hand, though. The older man listened to every word the doctor told them, making sure if they were going to do this that they were going to do it right.

They walked out with their entwined hands just laying out their sides. They weren't swinging back and forth in the warm summer air, they weren't looking up at the sun and admiring the weather.

They got into Michael's car and Luke cried. He put his feet up on the seat, curling himself into a ball as his body shook with sadness.

Michael didn't put the car into drive. He didn't know what to do. He looked over at Luke, his green eyes falling dull as he couldn't care it any longer. "We can get rid of it, Luke."

"That's killing it!"

"It's nothing right now. Please, just stop crying."

Luke shook his head and buried himself. Michael put the car into drive, pulling from the parking space and heading back to his apartment, figuring Luke could take a nap before heading home again.

They were supposed to have a 'tutor session', meaning Michael was already supposed to take him home after school. They had a few hours to sit in silence. 


we don't care [muke af]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz