There was once a Blacksmith...

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There was once a Blacksmith who worked for his Teacher in a workshop of a small town. It is known by all of the townsfolk there that he is one of the best of his profession. Although he is not of the highest and of the most excellent-there are other Blacksmiths, at par, who made more sophisticated and advanced implements than he has-he, nevertheless, built tools which are of the finest quality and usage.

One day, his Teacher told him, "My Son, you have become my Apprentice since the day you entered my Smith. Although I can teach you many other Ways of tampering and building metal, you must learn the Ways of other Masters who will teach you how to become a better Blacksmith."

The Blacksmith accepted His Master's bidding and went away from his beloved town to seek the lessons of the other Masters. For ten years he trained with them, each of which lived in nine different towns, including his own (for two Masters lived on a same town and another who lived in his hometown). While he learned the Ways of the different Masters, he wrote them down so that he may not forget.

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