The road towards true love and immortality {1}

Start from the beginning

On my way there I picked up Laurie, she was my best and only friend. She always waited for me on the crossroad.

"Hey, Ice Queen!" she jelled.

"Princess!" I greeted back. (short explanation: she's the Ice Princess because she's almost as mean as I am)

"What are you up to?" she asked when she saw my smile.

"I don't know jet. I'm thinking about making no-one cry today, or at least I'm going to try." I admitted and smiled.

"Good luck with that." Laurie said sarcastic. We both knew I wasn't capable of acting nice, one stupid thing and I would snap and just say or do something and then someone would cry. I know what you're thinking 'What's so fun about making people cry?' Honestly I have no idea, so I'll answer with a question in return: 'What's so fun about making people smile?' when you got the answer tell me so I can change my lifestyle. But we will come back on it later. The gates of hell are coming in sight.

After a hole day of school, they really should rename it hell, I finally could leave and go to my favourite place. It was the one place where I could calm down. Even Laurie didn't understand my love for the old building filled whit dust and old paper. Right the library. It's the one and only place in the world where I have some peace. I love that building filed with treasures. Reading is the one thing, where I can lose myself and forget who I really was. I know it sounds strange, and I guess you don't understand, but hey nothing lasts forever. So after a while I head home to dinner. My parents both had a busy job so I didn't see them often. This morning for example, that was my mum over the phone who woke me up and not my mum in person, like you would expect. My dad works for a bank, he's a busy man with a lot of responsibilities. My mum is a doctor she's always at home only not in the privet part of our home. You could say that they both are married to their job. It's not as bad as it sounds, I don't mind to be alone, and I accepted it a long time ago. I get everything I desire, except the company, but my parents found a solution. They gave me a pet. Apophis is now tree years with me, I got him when he was tree weeks old. If you wonder Apophis is my cat. I named him after an old Egyptian God. Apophis is the Snake-god of evil and chaos. Every night when Horus -God of haven- sails to the underworld, Apophis attacks his ship, in the form of a snake. That's when Seth -God of evil- interferes and defeats Apophis. You can say Apophis stands against the Gods to undermine their order.

I know who calls his cat after a God? An evil God? Well if you would know Apophis you would understand. I got along very well with him, in contrary to the rest. When he doesn't get what he wants he can be a real pain in the ass.

He is the one who waits for me when I get home. He's the one who welcomes me. As usual there was a note on the fridge, that said: "You father has to work late, so do I. Mum. PS: Have a nice dinner." I produced a sad smile and opened the fridge to take something to drink. Together with Apophis I went upstairs to my study room so I could do my homework. Apophis jumped on top of my desk and slept wile I was busy.

After that I went down to eat the meal that our housekeeper prepared for me. I fed my cat and put her plate on the other side of the table. "Bon à petit, mon chéri." I said with a French accent. Which I picked up after two mounds France, two summers ago (An idea of my parents). I know, that isn't hygienic a cat on the table, but he's the only one who keeps me company so why not. When we finished our meal I put the plates in the sink and went back upstairs to my room to read a book. Apophis jumped on my bed and started washing himself. For who wonders I was reading Shakespeare. I know, such a mean girl, reading Shakespeare. Well I read it because it relaxes me. I loved the idea that their once was a man who wrote those story's, like he himself believed in True Love. I'm sorry to disturb this moment, but I believe there is not such thing as love. I think it's something to dream off at night and to hope for when you are little and still believe in fairytales. Because that's the only place where love truly exists, in Fairytales. But, hey, that's my opinion.

After a wile I led my book away and went to sleep. To go to the place were I found true love, in my dreams.

* * *

Seliors p.o.v.:

There is something you don't know about the girl. Or better what no one knows about her, even she doesn't know it. She isn't mortal. She's a fallen angel.

An angel who left paradise to live a mortal life on earth. Only to do so she had to leave her wings in heaven. I didn't know this myself, otherwise I would have told you.

I found out today. You see when angels remove their wings that action leaves two scares across their back, at the place where the wings used to be attached. Together with their wings they leave their memory behind so I don't know why she left paradise. But knowing she was capable of touching Zeus with her story, it must be very taking. Maybe I'll find out one day.

There is only one thing that I fail to understand, if Zeus knew she was a fallen angel why did he recognised her as his child. Now she would never be capable to return to heaven. Something very bad must have happened to her when she was an angel. I mean if even Zeus didn't want her to go back, then it must have been very bad. But then again who am I to judge Zeus' actions? Indeed; no one. The only thing I'm allowed to judge is how to lead the girl toward here destiny.

* * *

True's P.o.v.:

And than about tree mounds later the bad news came. My mum had an offer she couldn't refuse. She would start working for a private hospital. Number off patients: one! Some rich, almost royal, ass-hole who had his own hospital. My mum would become his private doctor at all times. That ment we would move in a house of the rich-ass, on his castlegrouns, of course. The bad side off all this. We needed to move to the Scottish Highlands. Because that's where the idiot lived.

So a few questions to my great parents: "What will happen to me? What will happen to my education? How about my friends, okay friend..."

Their brilliant answers: "You will come with us, of course. You can start at the local school, we already took care of it. You can make new friends." That last answer they said with a big smile. You see they think Laurie has a bad influence on me, because she's my only friend. The truth is that I am the one with bad influence on people around me.

But one thing was clear after this short conversation with my parents, that found place over the web cam. I would go along with their plans, because their was no point of discussion.

Laurie almost freaked out when she heard that I had to move away, with my parents. After promising that I would call, text and e-mail her every day she calmed down, a little.

Lucky me I could take Apophis with me. At least I would have one friend with me their in the middle of nowhere. The one thing I hoped for was that they would have a library, that wouldn't be to much to ask for, would it?

Moving away went faster than I thought it would be. In no time or stuff was packed and everything was ready. We moved over the holidays. You know? That time you're assumed to spend with family. Well that's what normal families do, but who ever said that we are normal. Yes, that's what I thought; Don't go there.

Of course I would miss home, but then again I didn't believed in home. At least I thought I didn't found home jet. I was a travelling spirit on my way home. I know it sounds stupid, but I truly believed it. So who knows, maybe I was moving in the right direction. I truly doubted that, I always believed that I had an Egyptian or Celtic spirit. That last might turn out to be true. We'll see.

* * *

Seliors P.o.v.:

So I pointed her in the right direction, for now that's all I can do. And I have to admit that she went allong with the plan very well. I hadn't expected that. Of course she didn't liked it. What normal girl would? But in the end it would be for the best. And of course for the best of everyone, although mostly for me. I'm sorry, but being a goddess doesn't make me perfect. Only partly.

* * *

True's P.o.v.:

So here I am, the Scottish Highlands. First opinion: I hate it! One positive thing: I don't know. To be fair, I think I can't find one. Oh wait I found one, there is almost no sun, it's cloudy. Yes, that certainly is something positive. If their was a library then there might be a small chance that I would survive this place.

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