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Sorry I haven't updated this in a while I've been busy with stuff and now schools back I can't update as often but anyway here is number 15.

Ice types

I don't know why I put Ice types here but I did so.... DEAL WITH IT *puts on cool sunglasses which make a ding noise*. But really who has ever put an Ice type on there team 'cause Ice types come late in the game but you could argue the same with dragon but at least Dragon is good it's better then Ice any day, sorry for you Ice users but it's true but I do have a favorite which is....


Froslass is good cause she is a ghost type which removes the weakness Fighting but Gaining the weakness Ghost and Dark i Really have nothing more to say.

Sorry i Kept you guys waiting it's just that i'm really busy with school and stuff i'll probably be updating once a week so, yeah.

My top 18 Pokémon typesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora