Chapter 2

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            "Trade you? What do you mean? You're their franchise player." This revelation made no sense, a playoff worthy team giving away the player that made them better, but in the back of my head, I knew anything can happen. It's the NBA.

          "Well apparently they wanna trade. It's official, I will become a free agent." Seth declared. Seth was clearly upset, he placed his head in his hands and I went over to him and placed my arms around his neck and began to hug him. I hated seeing my brother like this. I never want to see him like this.   

           "You're not really gonna leave, right? Come on Seth, it was just a rumor. Remember what Dad use to tell us; rumors are started by haters, spreaded by fools and accepted by idiots." I said.

       Seth raised his head up and looked at me,"So now I'm the idiot?" Seth joked.

      We both began laughing. Finally Seth came to his senses and I decided to cook dinner, since this is one of my last days here.

           I headed to the fridge and began cooking the mixed vegetables in the saucepan on the stove. Seth turned on the tv and he changed the channel to our favorite, ESPN. It was time for Sportscenter and a group of college basketball analysts were sitting around discussing the upcoming season.

        "Seth turn up the volume." I demanded.

       The female analyst asked,"So what about Miami, how good will they be this year? Can they win the NCAA championship this year?" "I think Miami will be the best in the ACC, especially with Trey Carruth leading the way." One of the male analyst answered the question.

           "Is Trey Carruth the best basketball player in general since Michael Jordan?" One questioned. All the analysts nodded in agreement, with only one replying, "Absolutely. He's gonna be one of the best to play since Jordan."

           Trey this, Trey that. I swear I can't go anywhere without hearing his name. When Michael was playing they weren't as crazy and following him everywhere and being all up in his personal life. I mean damn I don't want to know that in his junior year, he dated 3 girls. I mean now I know he's just a man whore, but still, I really don't care.

          "So you ready to go to school with him?" Seth asked me. "Well he better not be an attention whore. I mean I'm Ken Lansing's daughter. I want some attention too." I joked. Seth threw a pillow at me and he began laughing,"You crazy. I'm going to miss you, K. But just to let you know, you can transfer to Michigan State." "No, Seth, I'm good. I'm going to Miami all 4 years and that's final." The mixed vegetable finished cooking and I served them to Seth at the dinner table.

           Soon one of Dad's fellow journalist and anchorman, Joanie Melando appeared. She was sitting in an interview room and she was preparing to interview Trey. Seth and I glued ourselves to the tv, we had to watch this;

         Joanie: " Thank you for doing this interview with me, Trey. I really appreciate you taking out the time."

        Trey: "No problem."

        Joanie: "Your Junior and Senior years were literally astonishing. You had many coaches stratching their heads trying to figure out ways to guard you. So what lead you to becoming the best?"

        Trey: "Practicing all the time. I just gave in time, and then I have alot of confidence in myself, and that's what you need especially in sports. I always wanted to play college and go to the NBA and now that's my plan, the plan that will come true."

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