Chapter 23

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       My eyes fluttered open from my slumber, emptiness hung heavily in the cold air the day after. Yesterday was confusing, yet it feels like it was forever ago. Ravenpaw still isn't back yet, and its not dawn yet either. I yawned, rising to my paws but slipping up last second and falling back into my nest. Right, wooden leg, how could I forget. I sighed, this time more awake after falling down and picked myself up. What was my dream like? I remember having a dream but I cannot remember it, that's normal right? I remember something about Bonestar getting hit by a monster and Nightstar running away, nothing important, it was rather empty the dream.

     Empty. Why is everything so quiet? Oh wait, its really early. I should probably go back to sleep though, but I feel like I was woken up for a reason. I slowly walked outside, my eyes narrowing on the distant sun rising beyond the leaf-less spiky trees. I wonder why I woke up...

  The new recruits and Rainpelt! What happened to Rainpelt, did they find her body? Who are the new clan members? I sniffed the air, scenting that the new cats were here and Acecard's and Rainpelt's scents were now faded and dull. I guess they really must be gone, I should go check up on the rest of the clan now and see what I can find. I shrugged, making my way down the trail nearly falling over.

  I peered into the nursery that rested under the med cat den. Mossspots lied asleep, Silencekit, Pinekit, Falconkit, Talonkit and- Owe Sorrelkit lunged at me tackling me to the ground before I could even see everyone in the den. The young cat's eyes glowed a dark green as she stared at me, she was strong for a cat her age and would soon be an apprentice I bet. I wonder why she's still an apprentice. I rolled over kicking the kit away softly and sat up.

"Hey there Spiderpaw! What are you doing here?" Sorrelkit mewled, her patched tail swaying back and forth as she jumped around full of energy.

"I was wondering what happened yesterday- who are the new recruits, where is Ravenpaw," I answered but she then cut me off. I always get cut off of course.

"Ooh, Ravenpaw went to the Moonpool to get a med cat name! He should be back soon! He said that I could be a med cat too! I can't wait!" Her voice was filled with pure energy, her words were quick and I really couldn't quite hear all of it.

"So wait, Ravenpaw is getting this med cat name?" I meowed. Med cat name already? Lucky, maybe if I had stayed I would have gotten my name too.

"Yeeeeeeeep!" She answered. Sorrelkit seemed so happy. I wonder if Bonestar would yet another med cat in the clan though, there seems to be too much of everything now.

"But what about the new recruits? And Rainpelt? And Acecard?" I poured out question one by one though it seemed Sorrelkit didn't even hear half of what I said.

"Bonestar has been sending warriors out to find rogues and loners to join us! I heard something about an attack or ruling the forest or something like that- to me all I hear is more warriors to get us more prey!" Sorrelkit yowled, clearly still excited for her apprentice ceremony which Ravenpaw had promised before he went to get his name according to her.

"More warriors hmm," I murmured, letting in so many cats may be a bad thing like what if the other clans attack us for seeming too powerful? "What about Acecard though? And Rainpelt?"

"I dunno, I only heard Acecard was a traitor or something and that Rainpelt fed herself the death berries. I don't know why someone would want to eat those berries, I heard they taste like fish, I hate fish, do you like fish?," The younger cat rambled on after answering my questions. Rainpelt ate the berries herself? But why, it doesn't make sense! All well, its a story from my view only and I may never find out what exactly happened that day.  "Hey Spiderpaw! You there? You were staring off into the ceiling for no reason!" She mewled, staring up at me.

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