Chapter 2. The shadow beast

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Soon as she looked to her right she suddenly saw a shadow beast that is almost a size of a house but not quite, it has glowing red eyes and the beast would suddenly gaze at her like it was ready to attack, she would slowly step back a little afraid and it would then charge at her in amazing speed. As soon as that beast did a flash happen and the same clothes appear on from before and her scythe would then turn invisible, she then unsheathe it fast, swinging it upwards slicing the beast in half, she looked amazed on how fast and well she can do this and would say to her self "how can I do this so fast?, I wasn't even trying.."  As she looks to the shadow beast that is now sliced in half, the insides just look like a bright red Crystal, soon later the shadow particles would slowly float up into the air as the beast slowly dissolve alway, she would watch it as then the time would slowly start again but the man who was watching her secretly was not stopped by the time zone freeze as he would then smirk and said in a whisper to himself "soon all shall parish".  Her clothes would change back to her school clothes with a bright flash again, her scythe was gone and she looked around seeing that the other students just kept on doing what there doing and haven't even noticed what just had happened, to her it's strange. Meanwhile on the other part of town there was a strange girl standing on a high building roof top, she is wearing all black attire with an ankle length black cape that has a hoodie, the hoodie would hide half of her white face, her long black hair was down touching her breast, her bright yellow eyes were gazing down at the streets watching people walking back and forth on the sidewalks. As she was standing there with her cape flowing within the air so calmly and flowing like gentle water waves she would then say in her mind "humans, why do they have to live in a dirt like planet when they can be like us from the world of chaos? And live there with powers..". As so warlex would appear beside her and said in a calm deep voice "I know my love and soon it'll happen, the gods can't get in your way thanks to our son and his time control abilities.." Warlex would then look down to his wife Zero and she would look up to him and said in a little bit worried voice "but what about that girl who is distended to get in our way?" Warlex would then sigh and said calmly putting his one hand on her head "don't worry my shadow beast and other creatures will hold her long as they can along with our son" Zero would nod with a calm evil smile at warlex and said with love in her voice "alright". Back at Jessica's school she had made it to her class sitting in her desk staring at the chock board zoned out in thought on how all of this mishaps had happen, she was confused and lost in wonder, as well as questioning herself the same question over and over in her mind "how did this happen?...and why?" She didn't even realize her teacher was calling out her name as all sounds were also zoned out. As then she would snap out of it shaking her head when she heard a loud bang, she opened her eyes seeing her teacher dead on the ground "w-what?!" She said in a gasping shock and fear crackling voice, she looks around her class seeing her class mates smiling evilly and surrounded by shadows on there body, there eyes are glowing bright red and they would give her a cold dead stare, not realizing its just a nightmare she then started to scream as they all jumped at her.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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