A Hell Of A Winchester

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You heard shouting coming from inside of Bobby's as you and he came back from a supply run. You both catch each other's eyes as you run to the house.

Pushing open the door you see Sam and John Winchester going at it again. You have no doubt the men love each other but you were sometimes glad they didn't see each other that often.

Dean stood in the middle trying to separate the men, as replayed the same argument again as they did the day before.

"You were never happy! You ran away and left us!" John screamed getting closer to Sam, Dean pushed his father back.

John gaze dropped to Dean "and you! Never had a life of your own, and you couldn't even take orders right!" You heart shattered at the look on Dean's face, the man you love was breaking.

It was then Bobby grabbed John pushing him towards the desk., telling the boys to unload the car. Sam stalked out still angry but Dean was close to tears, it was then you snapped.

"You've got some nerve John Winchester! How can you say those things to your children?!" You shout stalking towards him. He moved to stand, but Bobby stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"What has it got to do with yo.." he began to snarl

"Shut up! Sit there and for once in your sorry life listen for a change!" He eyes challenge you and you except

"They are your children! They are not soldiers in your privet war! So Sam wanted a normal life? So what! He wanted a wife, children, the same things you had! And you berate him for it? What the hell is wrong with you?" You take a breath, shoulders heaving

"and Dean, 'couldn't take orders' that man followed you and fought with you his whole life! Never once questioning anything and this is how you treat him? For what? Sticking up for his brother? Protecting his family? You're pathetic!" He went to stand again

"Sit your ass down and listen!" Bobby grunted pushing him back into his seat.

"You left them, over and over again. Leaving them in motel rooms, leaving them here. They were children! They needed a father not a drill Sargent!" Your voice softened slightly

"You lost your wife John and I am sorry for that, that shouldn't be something anyone should have to go through" you eyes fell to Bobby echoing in your eyes the same message to him "but that doesn't give you the right to turn your children into your own little privet army. How many birthday's did you forget? How many holidays did you miss?"

He looked away from you

"How much did Dean have to teach Sam, hell how much did Dean have to teach himself?!" You voice raising again "a father should take his sons fishing, teach them to play football!" You look at Bobby again "teach them to play catch, not how to hold a shotgun! God there was times Bobby was more of a father to them than you were!"

"For once look at Sam and see him for the brilliant, intelligent and caring man he is! Someone who you can always turn to no matter what! Stop looking at him like he's a traitor to you!" You say grabbing Bobby's photo frame with the boys in and slamming it down in front of him.

"And look at Dean for the strong, loyal, amazing man he is, someone who will always protect the ones he loves, with his life if he has to. Stop looking at him like your second in command."

You sigh "just look at them like your sons for a change, the best parts of you and the best parts of Mary"

John Winchester looked up at you and for a second he saw someone else staring back at him.


The passion in your eyes when you spoken of his sons, especially Dean, he saw the light smile on your face when you described his eldest, love written on your features. He can't help but smile. You frown expecting the come back to start, but you were shocked by what left his mouth.

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