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A bead of sweat trickled down the back of your neck as you took three more deep, even breaths. You slowly pulled up to standing from the warrior position you had been holding. You smoothly sank into the warrior position in the opposite direction, switching legs. This was one of your favorite yoga poses. You could feel the strength of every muscle in your body, and it made you feel powerful.

Dean walked into the room as you raised up to stand again, stopping dead in his tracks and staring at you for just a second too long.

"Sorry." he said, snapping out of whatever thoughts he was having. "I was just looking for Sam's laptop."

"It's on the table." You smiled, leaning back into a pose that arched your back and gave Dean a lot of skin to look at. You watched as his eyes darkened slightly, and you were suddenly glad that you had chosen to practice in a sports bra today rather than a t-shirt or tank top. "Feel free to hang out in here while you use it, you won't bother me."

"Okay, thanks," he nodded, his voice a little thicker than usual.

You heard him settle into a chair at the table behind you. A few seconds went by, and you realized that you should be hearing the tap of Dean's fingers on the keyboard. You assumed from the silence that he was watching you instead.

If that was the case, you were going to give him something to look at.

You bent forward to touch your toes, the stepped back into downward dog, knowing that this would give Dean a full view of your ass. You stayed there for a second, subtly shifting and relaxing into the position. You then lowered yourself into plank position for a few seconds before rolling your hips to the floor and stretching your upper body toward the ceiling in upward dog pose. When you raised your hips up effortlessly to slide back into downward dog, you heard the satisfying noise of Dean sucking air through his teeth. You pulled your legs forward and stood, rolling your back up as you did.

You went through the whole process again, making your movements as fluid as possible. This time, when you stood, you turned around to look at Dean.

Your breath caught in your throat. The man was sitting, quite obviously, trying to hide his erection. You resisted the urge to let out a moan at the sight of him, breathing heavily and chewing on his bottom lip as he thought of god knows what about you.

"Have you ever done yoga, Dean?" You asked, trying to keep your voice even.

"No," he answered, getting up and walking to stand just inches away from you. "but it looks like fun. I'm willing to learn."

You grinned. You were more than happy to teach him.

"Well, the first thing we need to do is get you out of those blue jeans. You can't really move or stretch in those."

"Yes, ma'am," Dean whispered, smirking at you.



Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now