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Callen found it hard to concentrate on the case at hand. It was personal, and he waited for either Vance, Granger or Hetty, to remove him from the case. Eric and Nell brought the rest of the team up to date as well as the latest location Sidorov's men were spotted by the street cameras, which were spread out across the city.

"We've seen them driving north on the 270," Nell advised them.

"Where are they going?" Sam moved forward and looked at the map on the screen. "Shit!" He turned and Callen instantly saw the worry in his brown eyes. "They're heading for Camp David." He moved away from the screen and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Isn't that where the President and his family are right now?" McGee asked, wondering why Sidorov's men would go there.

Gibbs saw the looks between Callen and Sam. "You need to fill the rest of us in and fast."

Callen gave Sam a look of defeat as he sat down next to him. He rubbed his hand over his face as he waited for Sam to speak. All eyes of both teams, their Director, Assistant Director and the three up on the screen in Los Angeles were on them.

"My family are at Camp David," Sam answered. "I need to ring Michelle."

"Who?" DiNozzo inquired, still trying to get his head around the fact that an NCIS agent's family were at Camp David with the President's family.

"My wife." Sam stood, as he pulled his cell out of his pocket. "Michelle!" He exited MTAC as he spoke to her.

"Why is Sam's family with the First Family at camp David?" Nell inquired. It was what puzzled her the most.

"Because the First Lady is Sam's sister." Callen managed to get out as he followed his partner out of the secured room.

The information settled on the minds of those who had been privileged to be told in MTAC. The shock of the news held everyone quiet.

Gibbs looked over the faces of those who stood in the room. He knew now that there was no way he could hold Sam back on this operation. But what concerned him the most, was what would happen if he split Callen and Sam up? They were flawless as partners. However, he needed Callen to remain here to keep Ava and her children safe. He trusted Callen to do that. But he also knew that Ava wasn't going to like the fact that he was going to leave them and head out with his team to Camp David. It was a long drive. The risks were high.

"We need to advise the President's protection detail, Leon," Gibbs finally stated to his boss.

"On it straight away, Gibbs." Leon Vance exited MTAC to make the call from his office.

"There's no way you can keep Agent Hanna from this, Owen." Gibbs moved closer to the third man in charge of the agency. "I need Callen to stay here with Detective Deeks to keep Ava and her children safe. The rest of us will head out to Camp David." He turned to the rest of them. "Gear up."

"I'm coming with you," Owen Granger insisted.

"No you're not, Owen. Not after the last time you went out into the field." It had been months since Owen had been shot in the shoulder by the Comescus. However, the weakness from the wound had been a factor he couldn't hide from the former sniper. He resigned to Gibbs' words and watched Kensi leave with his team.

Gibbs went to see his daughter and grandchildren, before they left. He saw the look Ava gave him, and he almost regretted his decision to go. "We have to go. We've got a location on the men who killed Matt."

"No, please don't go." She held onto his shirt to keep him with them. It was a selfish move, but she needed him right then. His voice soothed her and bought her back to reality, whenever she felt herself be pulled down from shock and grief.

Hunting SeasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora