"She's gone. Ashton and Saxon called about five minutes ago asking if she ha crossed over into our land because they can't find her anywhere and they can't pick up her scent because of the horrible storm." My mom finished in one breath. My wolf was howling inside my head, demanding that I go find our mate. I turned and sprinted out of my room and down the stairs.

"Xander! Where are you going!" My mom yelled after me but I ignored her and only stopped when I got to the bottom of the stairs where my dad was standing with his car keys in his hand. I quickly shook my head at him.

"No that will take to long, I'm running there." I rushed out as my mom reached the bottom of the stairs. Dad nodded his head and I took that as my cue to go. I ran towards the front door and towards the woods behind our house. I only stopped to take my shorts off, so I would have something to change into when I shifted back. I immediately shifted into my large dark brown wolf and grabbed my shorts in my mouth.

I ran towards Paisleys house at a speed that I don't think I've ever reached before. I couldn't even recall how long it took me to get there because I was so worried. The rain pounded down on my fur, soaking me but I couldn't seem to care. I saw the large White House in front of me and Paisleys mom, Ashton, standing at the back door holding it open for me. I quickened my pace and jumped up onto the porch, shaking dry before entering the house.

Ashton turned around so that I could put my wet shorts on and I cleared my throat when I was decent. She turned back around and gave me a small but sad smile. She didn't say anything to me but simply led me into the living room where Paisleys dad and at least twenty other pack members stood. All heads turned towards me and most had confused looks on there faces, with the exception of Paisleys dad and her cousin Seth.

Alpha Saxon cleared his throat and all heads snapped back towards him.

"As you all know you've been called here because my daughter Paisley is nowhere to be found. The last time she was seen was earlier today out in the meadow behind our house, I went back to look for her but her scent was walked away by the rain." He paused to look at all of us. Every person in the room had a concerned look on there face because there future alpha was nowhere to be found.

"Now were going to split into groups of five am go look for her. I'll be in charge of a group, Luna Ashton will be in charge of one, beta Josh will have a group, his son Seth will have one, and Xander will have one." He finished. I was somewhat surprised that he out me in charge of a group and apparently so was some other people.

"Why is he in charge of a group? Why is he even here, he's not in our pack?" A guy who I think goes to our school called out. I let out a low growl but Alpha Saxon have me a warning look.

"Xander is here because, he's the best chance that we have at finding Paisley." He called out. Many people had offended looks in there faces because there alpha had just said that a non member of there back was more capable then them but they don't know that she's my mate.

"That's insulting. He's nearly a pup, what makes him so much better then the rest of us?" Called an middle aged man. The alpha let out a frustrated sigh but before he had the chance to speak up I did.

"She's my mate. That's why, now can we get going or not?" I asked angrily. Almost every person in the room let out a surprised gasp. I rolled my eyes and stared hardly at the wall.

"Okay let's get going." Alpha Saxon called. I nodded my head and started walking towards the door. Five men where following behind me but I couldn't be bothered to speak to them.

"Follow me." I barked out before I took my shorts off and shifted into my wolf. I saw a brick path ahead of me and I knew that that would lead to the meadow that she was in. We arrived in a big open meadow in less then five minutes and I immediately started sniffing around. The rain was pouring heavily and I was beginning to think that her scent had completely washed away when I caught the slightest hint of her scent.

My wolf went crazy when he smelt it and I immediately started following it out of the meadow and to the west. I barked at the other men motioning for them to follow me before I took off, following her faint scent. The only thing that slightly out me at ease was the fact that Paisley's scent wasn't mixed with anyone else's, so she wasn't kidnapped.

We followed her scent westwards for about twenty minutes before turning to the left and continuing but suddenly I lost her scent. I sniffed around all over the area but I couldn't pick up her scent again. I started to panic, what if we can't find her. The other men in the group were looking at me questioningly but I ignored them. I closed my eyes and concentrated very hard, blocking out the loud rain, and it was then that I heard the faint sound of a heartbeat.

My eyes shot open and I sprinted in the direction of the heartbeat. I looked ahead of me and saw a small stream and as I neared the stream the heart beat got louder and louder. I stopped at the stream and looked around confused. I was getting frustrated when I turned around and saw something that made all of my panic fade away, my small mate lying under a large tree. She was in her wolf form but I knew it was her because of how crazy my wolf was going.

I ran towards her small black and white wolf and stopped right in front of her. Her breathing was deep and even and I knew that she was simply sleeping. I nuzzled my about into her neck, taking in deep breaths of her scent, before lying my large wolf body over her smaller one. Paisley stirred when I did this and a few seconds later her eyes fluttered open. Her bright blue eyes looked around confused before they landed on me. She flattened her ears against her head and growled at me but stopped when she realized it was me.

I sighed and happily licked from one side of her face to the other. She looked surprised before she let out a frustrated growl. I smiled at her best I could before carefully getting up from her. Paisley looked around and her eyes widened when she saw that it was dark outside. I stepped forward and pushed my forehead to hers, she froze for a moment before relaxing. I closed my eyes and sighed happily, my mate is safe and that's all that matters.


Hey guys! So I'm sorry that it took me so long to update but wattpad is being weird and kept deleting the chapter. But anyways I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:

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