The Flock

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Iggy and the darker girl came into the room. They all looked at me as if expecting something. This would be the perfect time to ask then...
"Who the Hell are you people?!"

Max POV.
All the people just stared at me for a bit before the darker girl said,
"Well, I'm Nudge. This is Iggy but you already know him, the little blond boy over there is Gazzy or the Gasman. The dark haired beauty in the washroom is Ella, the little blond girl is Gazzy's sister Angel and finally Mr. Tall, dark and silent is Fang. AKA The Flock."
I stared at her for a second.
"And... What are you doing in my house? Does my mom know you're here?"
There was a minute of silence before the darker girl 'Nudge' spoke up again, looking at Iggy.
"Ig, you didn't tell her!?"
"I tried but she wouldn't listen. She didn't think I was real."
The two of them turned back towards me. And Nudge asked,
"What do you think we are?"
"Figments of my imagination. I'm just going crazy."
"Max you aren't going crazy." This time everyone looked at the little blond boy, Gazzy I think.
"But you guys aren't real. I'm just creating some friends for myself..."
"Ouch. That hurts that you still think we're not real." Iggy again.
"You aren't!"
"Ok I'm so done with this. Max, we were real at one point in life."
"What? I don't follow."
"We're not fake, we're dead."
Wait what?! What the hell! That's impossible! If these people are dead than how the hell are they here? Unless...
"Are you, ummmm..."
"Ghosts? Why yes, yes we are."
What the ever loving fluff! Here I am standing here looking at my old bestie, who died years ago. And who the hell are these other kids? I mean they're ghosts too so they must have died around here...
"Why couldn't I see you guys before?"
There was a long silence before the little blond girl, Angel, spoke up.
"I think the gods felt sorry for you, so they let you see us."
Wow. The gods...
"How long have you been around here?"
The tan girl, ummm, Ella? Yeah. Ella was the first to respond.
"I've been here for around 2 years give or take. I know Nudge has been here for the same amount, Iggy has been here since he died, Gazzy and Angel just got here a few weeks ago and Fang has been here for around the same time as Iggy."
"Wow... Is it you guys who keep making the weird noises and smashing things in the house?"
"It's usually Iggy. He likes to mess with people."
I glare at Iggy. So he was the one who was screwing with me...
"So let me get this straight, you're all dead, have been messing with me for most of my life-" I glared at Iggy again "-and no one can see you..."
"Yeah. Basically."
I look down at the ground and ask one last question.
"How long will you stay with me?"
I look around and find not a single soul in the room. Where did they go? Are they leaving me already, I just met them...
I felt tears in my eyes, I blink them away and turn around to find Anne standing in the doorway.
"Were you speaking to someone Max?"
I look down at my hands.
"No. No one."
"Oh ok."
I walk back up to my bedroom hoping that I could spend the rest of my weekend locked up in my room, and I can just hope that I see The Flock again.
I sigh and open my door, and fall into my bed to sleep off the next five hours.

Hello! I apologize for any mistakes/errors. I also want to say that I'm sorry for how long it took me to update and for how boring this chapter might have been. So yeah... Haha... I'm gonna go. Bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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