The Wish

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Max POV.
Hi. My name's Maximum Martinez but everyone calls me Max. And Freak show, Bird girl (What I like birds.), Loser, Loner, Emo and a few more. All my life I've been bullied and beaten down by-well everyone. Ok I lied a bit, I had two friends when I was in 1st grade. Iggy and Dylan. I lost them both in second grade. First I lost Dylan to the more popular kids. Then I lost Iggy later in the year when he was the victim of a hit and run. He died by impact. After that day it all went down hill. Anyways, let's just say that I'm a bit of loner now...
"Max! It's time for school!" Ah, that was my step mother. Anne Walker. She married my father (Jeb Batchelder) after he and my mother (Valencia Martinez) got divorced. But that was when I was young so I don't really remember her...

I get out of bed, and look for a clean shirt. I find a long sleeve My Chemical Romance shirt and a pair of black jeans. Perfect. I pull on a pair of socks and head out of my room and down the stairs. I greet Anne and grab an apple.
Oh look at the time!
I gotta go catch the bus.
"Bye Anne!" I shout as I exit my house.
"Great. It's such a nice day today..." I mutter as I put my hood up to avoid the rain drops. I notice the bus is already at the stop. Shit! I run after it but it's already gone.
I guess I still got time to walk to school...
I just started walking when suddenly a car blasting music drove straight into a puddle, covering me completely in water. The car stops just after the puddle. I walk up to it and look inside.
"Hey bird girl. How's the water feel?" Lissa.
The car was filled with five of the most popular people at school. Lissa, her twin sister Brigid, Sam, Tess and Dylan. Urrrg. All the people I have known since Kindergarten.
Lissa and Brigid are the sluts of the school. They flirt with any boy they come across. Sam is a Jock, he's Lissa's boyfriend. Tess used to be a sweet girl and Iggy's crush, but she turned into a Barbie doll. And finally Dylan the worst of them all... He turned into a stereotypical popular. He picks on the weak and less popular.
I look back down at the pavement, and keep walking. They slowly drive beside me throwing insults at me all the way to school. Even in school they push me around, into lockers, walls and other people. By the time I make it to class I'm covered in bruises.
"Ms.Martinez. You're late."
"Yeah. Sorry."
I go sit down in my seat at the back of the class. The teacher started rambling about grammar and spelling. I kinda stopped listening after about five minuets. Class ends and I go to my locker.
"Hey Freak! Do me a favor!" Dylan yelled from across the hall. Great, he probably wants to copy my homework.
"Go kill yourself!" Wow not what I was thinking.
I won't bore you with the details of my day, let's just say I got a lot of comments like that thrown at me. By the end of the school day, I felt horrible. I still feel horrible. As soon as I get upstairs I flop onto my bed. I feel tears behind my eyes, why did Iggy have to leave me? Why did he have to die? God why?! He was the only real friend I had. I wish he could come back. I wish I had a friend. I wish I had friends. Please give me someone. Please. Please... And with that I let sleep over take me.

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