Chapter 4

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Optimus:My name is Optimus Prime.My Autobots...there in danger!
He then tries to stand up but he falls making one of his head piece fall off
Optimus:I need to go know
YN:How far are you gonna get!Optimus your hurt and you want to fight!You need to get repaired AT LEAST!Tessa and Cade come here!What happened to you!
Optimus:An ambush,a trap...Set by human*cough*I escape and took you,YN,to this place before I took this form
Tessa:But your on our side,why would human hurt you
Jay:Because the government think that they took there planet from they're here to destroy them
YN:First off,Oh WOW CMON JUST FOR THAT!*sigh*Second,Good thinking Jay...Third,But how did they destroy you there not strong enough,no offense...
Optimus:They were not alone..My autobots can repair me
Cade:Yeah they need you!But what about me...
YN:Seriously your acting like I'm not an Autobot at all...
Cade:So get all the supplies from the list
Lucas:Why are we helping him
YN:He's important
Lucas:Important to can't keep an alien machine in the barn..what would you do play with him
YN:Would you calm down!Hes important to me!He is my best buddy!If it werent for him,i wouldnt be here!
Lucas:If he eats you I'm keeping the JpS
YN:I swear if you tell anyone about this.Youll regret it!Okay not a single word!
He then drives away and I go back to the barn,....I sit by my kids and play with them
Jay:Transformers!More than meets the eye!
Bianca:Autobots wage their battle!To destroy the evil forces of-!
Both:The decipticon!
Bianca:Robots in disguise!Transformer!
Jay:More than meets the eye!
Both:Transformer!*power pose*
I then hug them and they hug back
YN:You guys really know the theme song!
Bianca:We've been watching it ever since!
Jay:We know all the characters!
Optimus:They are really like you
YN:Yeah...I just wish Bee was here to see this...
I then heard banging and I see Cade making a metal ball
Cade:Took a hell of a hit,the missal missed your power source
Optimus:We call it a spark,it contains our life source and our memories...
Cade:That's what you call it
YN:Yeah ever since I became them I felt like I knew everything about them...
Optimus:Cade and YN...Why are you willing to help me?
Cade:Maybe because you trust me too
YN:*transform*Plus...your acting like we never meant!Your my friend and family Optimus!We stick together and help eachother!
I then hear a car pull up and see Lucas come in
YN:Took you long enough...
YN:It's me Lucas*transform back*
Bianca:I sense police car coming!
YN:Oh god!Optimus go!Cade go see whats going on!
He then leaves and I turn to Optimus
YN:Stay hidden!Your life depends on it....
We walk outside to see a bunch of cars....and this one man came to us
YN:Who are you?
Man:My name is Savory...
Cade:What do you want?
Savory:We received a phone call,that you saw an alien truck
YN:An alien truck?I don't know what your talking about...
Savory:Pin them down...
I then see the rest of the men pin down my kids and Tessa
YN:Hey!Let them go!
Savory:Are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way...Where is the truck
YN:Okay fine!We brought the truck but we sent him back!I don't where the hell he went okay!
He touches his ear,then pins me to the floor and see the guy pinning my kids get a gun out
YN:D-Don't shoot!
Savory:I'm gonna ask you one last time...Where is Optimus Prime?
Cade:We don't know.We swear!
They then put ammo on it and about to pull the trigger
Jay:Just tell them!
YN:I don't know!
Bianca:Mommy please!
YN:I swear!
I heard a crash and see Optimus come out the barn and starts shooting.They all let go of us and I run up to them and hug them..
YN:You know what to do!
We all transform and started shooting them...There was a lot of explosions and I got to admit it was fun..Haven't used one of these in a long time...I then saw Cade and Tessa go to a purple car and motioned us to come..We transformed back and ran to the car going to the back seat..They started driving
YN:Thanks you a lot!
Jay:That was awesome!Can we do it again!
YN:Well since a war is gonna come up!I think you are...
Tessa:Thanks babe*hugs Shane*
Shane:No problem..
Cade:Whoah what is this babe thing I'm hearing...
Shane:Sir I didn't want this to be how we meet but hi my name is Shane and I'm dating your daughter...
Cade:I'm her dad and,Tessa you are so grounded
Tessa:At least he came to help...
YN:Cade she's old enough...Stop treating her like she's gonna get married at this age...But then,Hi again Shane
Bianca:Mommy would Optimus be okay....
YN:He is...I know he will
Bianca:Are we gonna see daddy?
YN:Yeah we will...Just one day...If we won't during this week...That means he passed away
Bianca:But he won't!I imagine him to be a very strong man!He will be alive I just know it
Jay:He will be the shortest Autobot!Like you mom
YN:I'm not short!Your the one that are short...
Both:Aw cmon!Dont rub it in

Time for school ....I hate Monday-_-

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