Meet the Marauders

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  • Dedicated to Courtney (FearlesslyDancing)

What if someone tries to reason with you?" said a voice from behind me, I turned to face to door and saw my best guy friend-

"Remus! Don't do that, especially if you hear me talking about something like that," I scolded, checking the corridor for any listening ears.

Remus had known about me liking James before I had, which I didn't mind at all. I knew I could trust him with my life. He was pale, and thin with chestnut hair, but looks never mattered to me.

"No one's out their, Lily. You know I wouldn't let anyone listen in on your fluffy, girly conversations," he joked. I hit him in the arm, and then gave him a huge hug.

"Sorry. I know you wouldn't, but I need to tell you what I just promised Alice-"

"Don't bother. I heard the whole thing. Are you sure you're ready to tell him?" he said holding me at arms length. He was closer to me than my sister so, obviously, he was very protective.

"I have to be. Remus what if I never see him again? I know you will because you two are good friends- Wait that's it!" He seemed to understand what I was asking.

"No Lily. This is your problem. I'll help you as much as I can, but I can't get involved with your love life. It's just wrong," he stated, crossing his arms.

"Oh please, Remus. Please. Just this once?" I pleaded, I made my eyes as big as I could, and my lower lip quivered. He looked at me for a moment, then sighed.

"Fine, Lily. This one time. I'll ask James who he likes, and whatever he says will be his business."

"Thank you, Remus! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, rushing to hug him tightly.

"Whoa. Are we interrupting something?" asked a casual voice. We broke apart to see Sirius staring down at us with his usual cocky smile. His sense of humor made him adored by girls, along with his dark good looks, and unruly behavior. I noticed James and Peter right behind him, his smirk a little askew. I wondered why, but pushed the thought from my mind as Peter began chanting:

"Remus and Lillian sitting in a tree,

Sweet and adorable and cute as can be.

When they're alone they sigh and swoon;

But let's hope he doesn't catch sight of the moon."

"Brilliant Peter! How long did it take you to think that one up?" roared James, clapping him on the back.

"Well I-it just came to me really-thank you," he replied, entirely flustered by the attention.

"Anyway, we were wondering if you'd like to join us in the Prefects' car?" Sirius asked.

"Who were you talking to?" I inquired.

"The both of you," he caught a glimpse of Alice and winked. "Maybe all three of you. We are allowed to bring guests."

"Actually, James is allowed to bring a guest. Not a barrage of people," I corrected him. James turned to me, and slung an arm around my shoulder, my cheeks heated significantly.

"Listen Lil', what's two extra people going to do?" he asked, persuasively. I debated spending time with him and following the rules, silently cursing my susceptible nature.

"I suppose it couldn't do much harm...," I trailed off. He squeezed me gently, lingering a moment longer than he needed to.

"That's the spirit!" He took my hand and started to exit the booth. "Now come on, we need to go before someone-"

"Catches you, perhaps?" asked a train attendant who had just left the booth to our right. "You two would have been in much greater trouble if you were caught by a teacher. However, I will arrange for both of you to have a detention waiting for you." I gaped at her. Detention? With him nonetheless? You've done it now, Lily.

"Don't give Lily detention, Miss. She didn't do anything," James tried to convince her.

"Well you certainly weren't walking by yourself. Just because you two are Prefects doesn't mean the rules change for dating within the school," she warned. I tried to defend myself.

"Wait! We aren't dating, we were just-"

"You were just holding hands and sneaking around in the booths, I can see perfectly clear, Lily," she snapped, I cringed back slightly and James squeezed my hand, almost making everything worth it. "Detention."

"Yes, maam," I sighed. She smiled sternly, and walked away. I turned to James, who seemed incredibly calm. I hit him of the shoulder with each word I said. "Why-did-you-have-to-do-this-to-me?"

He caught both of my arms, holding me by my elbows. "This is just as much your fault as it is mine," he replied coolly. I shook myself from his grip.

"My fault? You practically dragged me down the hall," I snapped.

"Whatever you say," he humored me, hitting my arm playfully. "I'll see you around, rule breaker." He ruffled my hair, and walked down the hall. Peter scurried after him immediately; Sirius looked up from his conversation with Alice and left; and Remus shot me a look as he closed the door to our compartment after himself.

"I am in deep trouble," I sighed, collapsing into a chair.

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