Chapter 3: Your Mad! (Part 2)

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Super super super sorry for the slow update but I've had so many Assignments to do for school its not even funny :) I'll try update faster but anyways here we go chapter 3 part 2 :)


*Ray_Chan* writing....

My eyes flutter open to the sound of voices. My body was aching and my skin still burnt but it wasn’t as heavy and agonizing as before in the underworld. Yes I still remember every solemn detail, every crack every scream every face I saw. I remember the scared traumatized faces of the boy and the two twins. Then there were the horrible beasts and creatures that did nothing but intimidated and hurt me.

I had fallen a long and painful distance to the underworld and now I am thankful to just one demon who risked everything to help me, Luke. Tears sprung into my eyes; if it wasn’t for him I couldn’t even comprehend the pain I would be feeling for all eternity and although I never saw his face. His voice, his words I will never forget.

“Are you ok dear?” I Glance up to a worried old woman. Her eyes glued to mine as she stared intently into my own.

“I’m fine.” I say, using the back of my hand to rub away the tears, but I could tell she didn’t believe me.

“Why were you crying? Is everything all right? No bad man tried to get you did he?” Her compassion made me chuckle.

“No miss everything is fine.”

“Well all right, but you best be getting on home now, its late I’m pretty sure you don’t want no one kidnapping you when its almost midnight.”

“Midnight.” I repeat.

“You don’t have a watch, here take a look.” She extended her left arm towards me revealing the small watch straddling her wrist, I peek a look and indeed it was five minutes to midnight.

“I’m off to my nephews that’s why I’m out so late at a train station, speaking of which how did you get here we aren't exactly in a city, more so in the middle of no where.” I steadily get up where exactly am I, in a train station? I glance a look and either side of me and was both ways greeted with meadows of green grass and trees. This train station really was out in the middle of nowhere.

“I…I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” She repeats, “Where exactly are you from?”

“Edmonton, Canada.”

“Edmonton!” Her mouth hung wide.

“Why?” I say, “Where are we?”

“British Columbia” I stood there unable to move. British Columbia that was almost thirteen hours away from Edmonton, why would Luke send me here? The old woman stood there silent, she probably thinks I’m crazy. I knew about how I was never to return to my murder domicile unless I liked the fact of living in hell again, but why here why so far away? I wanted to see my family, my friends but just how long was I gone for. Would they remember me, surely they would.

“I’m… I'm sorry.” I say, “I just don’t understand why I’m so far from home, you may think I’m crazy but-”

“Nonsense.” She cut me off “Why don’t you come to my nephews with me and we’ll then sort out the next train back to Edmonton for you.”

“Really, you would do that for me.” She smiled.

“Of course.” A low screeching caught my attention as the ground shuddered, the train had arrived.

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