chapter 16 He what !?#$

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Dracula: HE Did What !?

cruella:  Dracula don't. do anything Dracularura. I'd going through with it as bad as it is

Dracula: how am I not going. to get mad. I trusted. that wolf!

Dracularura:  Daddy

Dracula: yes my beautiful jewel

Dracularura:  can I speak with cruella alone please?

Dracula:  of course

cruella:  what's wrong sweetheart

Dracularura:  (crying ) I'm sorry I judged. you

cruella:  oh sweetheart. don't. worry about it if anything. I should be sorry but I just want you to know I will be here always.

Dracularura:  thanks. for everything

cruella:  no problem

Dracularura hugs cruella while crying. in her shoulder.


clawdeen. : my brother. did what?!

Dracula: he broke up with my Laura for no reason

clawdeen:  when I get. my hands on that neck of his he would. be lucky I don't. beat the crap out of him

Dracula: I thought you should. know

clawdeen: no thank you sir. I'll. make sure he doesn't. see the light of day

Dracula:  so were on the same page?

clawdeen. : oh yeah tell Dracularura. I'll. be there. in 15 minutes

Dracula: fine


deuce: clawd unlock the door. now

clawd:  (sniffs ) No get out of here

deuce:  bro. what happened?

clawdeen:  I'll. tell. you what happened

clawd:  get out of here

clawdeen:  clawd open this door so I could beat the crap out of you... I trusted. you with Dracularura. and you do this?! your lucky. its me and not Dracula

clawd: leave me alone I want to stay here by myself.

clawdeen: okay fine but when you come out pack your things because your leaving

clawd: who cares I lost the reason. to stay

clawdeen:  okay fine be like this good riddence....

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