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Chapter 1
Jasmine went with Ben and they flew out of the village.
"Where are we going?" Jasmine asked.
"Home." Ben replied.
Jasmine looked over the edge of Spartak's back.
"Dragons were banned since you were kidnapped. The King said that only when his dear boy returned would another dragon reach the clouds."
"Why? I didn't even know I was kidnapped." Bens voice drifted off into the wind.
"Those crazy humans took you for experimental purposes. They wanted your abilities and they never came back." She put her hand on his shoulder.
"But why can't I remember." Ben wouldn't look up.
"They erased your memory. Everything you once knew, naturally doesn't exist to you anymore."
Ben turned away from her.
"I was your royal playmate." She laughed, "Everyday we used to play games together. You were my bestfriend, and when you left, the kingdom was devastated, so many nights I wished you were still there." She paused and seemed to be dazed.
"You did?" Ben asked.
"Yeah." She looked up at Ben, "Did you?"
"Yeah. I felt a connection between us. Like-"
Ben saw something out his perifrial vision, and he turned towards it.
Jasmine looked in the same direction, and together they saw a red and yellow dragon flying next to them. On top of it was a man in torn pants, and a baggy shirt.
Ben couldn't make out the face but he looked closer, and saw that it was Jason.
"LAND ON THE GROUND!" Jason yelled.
Ben held up his thumb in agreement.
He grabbed both strings and steared downward. Spartak followed his command and landed.

Chapter 2
Jason stepped off of the dragon and walked towards Ben.
"Why'd you stay in the sky so long?" He said.
"Well maybe if you would have taught me how to fly a freaking dragon I would have come down sooner!" Ben yelled as he helped Jasmine down.
"Watch your tone with me." Jason stopped walking and stood with his finger pointing towards Bens face.
"Do you have any idea of you put me through for the past weeks!" Ben yelled.
"Listen boy I was trying to help you!" Jason yelled louder.
"By completely abandoning me and leaving me with a box!" Ben yelled.
"Stop!" Jasmine stood in between them.
Ben backed away and ran his hands through his hair.
"What is wrong with you two!" Jasmine screamed.
Neither one of them answered.
Jasmine looked at them, but they didn't look up.
"I mean, you guys are arguing like 2 old Grafiets over yarn!" She screamed.
"Tell that to him!" Ben yelled.
"Why do I even try!" Jason started to walk back to his dragon.
"Where are you going!" Ben yelled to him.
Jason through a bag to him.
"This should keep you alive for at least 4 days. So if you want my help you'll find me behind the mountain. Good luck." He grabbed hold of the 2 strings and his dragon started to flap its wings.
Within seconds Jason was gone.
Ben walked to the bag Jason through and picked it up.
Jasmine was leaning on the side of Spartak's stomach. Ben walked beside her and sat down next to her.
He opened the bag and dumped everything that was in it on the ground.
The bag was packed with 5 canteens, multiple containers of food, 1 flashlight, and a long long case with something inside.
Ben took out the case and removed the buckle. He poped open the top and stared in amazement at what was inside.
He slowly grabbed the butt of the object and held it up. It was a sword. A shiny, polished, silver sword that had a splash of red imbedded on the top.
He looked deeper in the case and pulled out a small note card. It looked old and brittle.
He sat the sword in his lap and read the card aloud.
"In this sword lays the blood of our ancestors. The fear in enemies eyes, and the hope for our brotheren, for the faith that one day we shall claim Yasha Land. Be careful my friend, you have been warned."
Ben sat the card back into the case and grabbed the sword.
He stood up with it in his hand, and sliced it through the air. He heard it glide in the wind.
"I've seen those before. But only held by the strongest men in the village." Jasmine said in awe.
"Why do ya' think Jason gave it to me?" Ben asked.
"For protection." She shrugged her shoulders.
Ben put it back in its case and strapped it to his belt buckle.
He helped Jasmine onto the dragon, and they began their journey into the mountain's.

Chapter 3
Within a few hours it had to rain. Ben and Jasmine were not even close to reaching the mountain. So Spartak went under a dry patch of grass and rested there.
Ben was fascinated with the sword. He gazed upon the shiny metal and glided his hand on the tip.
"Whats behind the mountain?" Ben asked Jasmine as he slowly looked up.
"We were never allowed out of the village. So no one knows. But my dad told me many storys of warriors lost and trapped behind it." She started to pat Spartak on the head.
"If people have been lost and never found there. Why would Jason lead us there?" Ben sat down the blade and leaned on Spartak's arm.
"Maybe he was paid to do it?" Jasmine scratched her head.
"No." Ben looked directly at her, "Not Jonas. He'd never do that."
She shrugged her shoulders and started look at Ben.
She examined his creatures once more. His matted, diry hair, his ragged clothes, and ripped pants. They had been through alot for the past weeks. Neither of them knew how they ever winded up where they were, but all they wanted to do was leave.
Spartak yawned and both of them looked at the beast to smile.
Jasmine stretched and leaned farther back.
"How long have you been buddies with him?"
Ben looked up into the stormy clouds and thought.
"Since I was 3."
Jasmine twurled her hair. A crossed her her legs.
It was getting dark out and now the sun was setting, the rain was getting heavier, but they stayed protected under the over hang of the mountains side.
Jasmine had fallen asleep, but Ben still lay awake, thinking of his parents.
He kept looking into the clouds in silence, and slowly Jasmine shifted down. In a falling motion.
Her head slowly laid on Ben's sholder.
He smiled and slowly grabbed the sack. Carefully sitting it on his head, and gradually laying her head on top.
He rested his hand on her arm and stared at her face. Fascinated by her strong cheek bones, soft black hair, and small dark blue freckles on her face.
Gently, he laid his head back on Spartak and slowly fell asleep.


It was dark and misty. Like he was drifting into space.
And suddenly he saw himself in a crib. The King and Queen stood above him. Smiling and rattling a toy. Ben clapped his hands and smiled, reaching to grab it. The Queen touched his face and rubbed his cheek. Ben smiled and grabbed her fingers. She let go and wrapped her elbow around the Kings arm, both of them walked out of the room, and closed the door behind them.
Ben lay still in the crib. He grabbed his passifier and put it in his mouth. He laid face up on his pillow and looked at the small toys that rotated above him.
Suddenly the door krept open. Ben looked, to see if it was the King or Queen. But to his surprise, his mother and father slowly walked into the room. They wore white lab coats. Ben sat up and took the passifier put of his mouth. Slowly the walked to the front of his crib and picked him up.
Ben kicked and criedf in search of the King and Queen, but the lady took a needle out of her pocket and ingected it into Ben.
He slowly stopped kicking and fell asleep.

Ben woke with a start. He gasped and leaned up.
Jasmine was gone. He looked around and called for her.
She walked from behind Spartak.
"Whats wrong?"
Ben shook his head. And woke up Spartak.
"We have to go back." He said.
"Why?" She asked.
"I'll tell you on the way."
He grabbed the bag, and put everything inside. He climbed up Spartak and reached his hand down to help Jasmine up.
Together they went to the castle. Jasmine in wonder, and Ben sitting in thought.

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