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(Beau's P. O. V.)

"I win I win!" I heard Luke yell from upstairs. Had he found Jai? I was so certain that Jai wasn't up there!

"Have you found him?" Uncle Theo asked as Luke came downstairs, with another set of footsteps following him. Jai's footsteps.

"Of course I did! You lot gave up to quickly." Luke stated as he threw an arm around Jai's shoulders.

"Well at least the game is over now. Let's all go eat dinner now before the meal gets cold." My mother said, and we all made our way towards the kitchen.

We all sat at the dining table together, and we passed plates of food around until everyone got a little bit of what they wanted. The meal was delicious over all, and as we ate Uncle Theo started a conversation.

"So how have things been around here while I was away?"

"Boring." Jai muttered and my mother then said,

"Jai speak up. You know I hate it when you speak barely audible."

"Oi leave the poor kid alone Gina. He's right anyway. I'm sure you all would've died of boredom if I hadn't come back when I did." Uncle Theo reasoned.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" I asked, changing the subject to something more interesting.

"Yes! I saw so much and oh how I wish you boys could've seen it. Luckily though, I managed to capture some photos, write down a number of stories about some of my adventures, and bring back a few souvenirs." Uncle Theo added with a smile.

"No way! Really?! What did you bring us?" I asked excitedly. I loved trinkets and vintage things, and I could collect millions all over the world if I could.

"Forget the souvenirs, what pictures did you take?!" Luke questioned with wide eyes. He's always had a love for photography, and he's pretty good at it too.

"Can you tell us one of your stories?" Jai pleaded with a smile. He's always loved stories, and he could listen to them all day if he could.

"I'll show you later, all sorts, and of course I will." Uncle Theo stated as he answered all three of our requests at once.

"Yay!" Jai yelled excitedly, throwing his hands in the air and accidentally knocking over a hot bowl of dip all over himself.

"Oh goodness!" My mother worriedly exclaimed, quickly standing up from her chair and running over to Jai's aid.

"Mum why are you freaking out? I can clean this up." Jai asked confusedly, and I looked down at the table sadly, because little did Jai know that the hot dip he spilled was hot enough to burn his skin.

"Because you're burning yourself sweetie." My mother said calmly, which was surprising.

"Stand up so that I can clean you up properly." She told him. Jai slowly stood up, trying to comprehend why mum was so concerned. He simply didn't understand the harm he put himself in.

My mother sighed when she saw red burn marks on Jai's arms, and Jai stared at them with intrigued eyes as he asked,

"Does that hurt me?"

"Yes baby it does. Beau I need you to take him to the bathroom and run cold water on his arms please." She told me and before I could control myself, I ignorantly said,

"Why can't he do that himself?" My mother snapped her full attention to me and then she questioned,

"How is he supposed to feel the cold water?" 

I mentally slapped myself.

"I-I can figure it out mum." Jai stated as he left for the bathroom with saddened eyes.

It was silent as he left, and I could hear everyone's heart cracking. I hated myself for a moment but then I realized how I could fix my mistake. I stood up from the table, and I went to the bathroom Jai went to.

When I got there, I saw Jai with his arms under the running sink water. He was staring at the water, as if it would talk to him and let him know if it were hot or cold. I walked over to him and placed a hand under the running water to test its temperature, only to find out that the water was really hot. Without trying to upset Jai, I quickly turned the faucet towards the right, to make the water much cooler.

"I was so sure I was right this time." He said to me as he continued to stare at the water.

"It's not your fault." I sighed.

"Why do you all say that?" He snapped his head towards me.

"Say what?" I was truly confused.

"That it's not my fault? Who's fault is it then?"

"You know what we mean Jai."

"Do I? Why do you all blame my mistakes and mishaps on everything else but me? What good does that do?" He questioned, and I had no answer. What good did it do?

"I'm sorry...I just thought that maybe if someone were to blame something on me, then I would feel more...human you know? Mum always told you and Luke that your mistakes made you human. She always said that scraped knees were normal for little boys to have. Though she never told me that stuff. She always said that my mistakes were never my fault, and that scraped knees were dangerous. It didn't make me feel...human." He explained with tear filled eyes.

"This was an accident though Jai. It really wasn't your fault." I tried to reason with him, but he then scoffed and said,

"You're right! It's not my fault! I never do wrong because, I'm perfect! Nothing is ever my fault right? It's the fault of my condition, and since I have this crazy condition, I can never make mistakes because everyone feels sorry for me! I should feel light hearted right?!" He was growing frustrated and red in the face.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I questioned as I grew frustrated as well.

"Treat me like I'm normal! Treat me like I have faults! Treat me like your little brother and not some delicate flower!" He yelled.

"I want faults, so that I can be human." He then began to cry.

I couldn't blame him though because, faults are what make you human. If we keep sugar coating his faults simply because we feel sorry, then what does that make him? Certainly not human.


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Ily all!♥︎

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