Cartman x abused! Reader

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This was requested By @heavenandhell93 !
Hope you enjoy!

F/s - favorite shirt
F/p - favorite pants

You sigh uncontrollably. It's become a habit now adays.

Your parents just wouldn't stop arguing. The man you call your father took another swing at his bottle of heavy liquor, and smacked you across the face for just sitting on the couch.

Your cheek stung miserably as he went to your mother.
She was just as bad as him.
Both abusive, smokers, and alcoholics.
You frowned and went up to your room and fell onto your bed crying.

Why couldn't one night be good. One night.
That isn't too much to ask for.

You frowned miserably, feeling your red bruised cheek; and cried into your pillow until you fell asleep, skipping yet another, meal for the night.

One more night passed and still the same beatings.
Last time it was being thrown to the floor and kicked in the stomach.
As least a slap wasn't as bad this time..


The annoying ring of the alarm clock woke (y/n) up. With a sigh, you slid the phone screen off and rose to your feet on the ground and walked over to your dresser turning on the light in your room.

You sighed and looked at your cheek. You frowned a bit looking at the red mark still on your cheek. You used some coverup and foundation to get rid of the mark, then did your daily makeup routine.
((If you don't wear makeup then you don't have to have it in this ))

You put on your (f/s) and put on (f/p)'s and grabbed a hoodie to wear over it so you didn't freeze in the cold snow waiting for the horrid bus to come and pick you up.
And it covered your bruises.
You put on some shoes, and brushed your teeth after eating some toast.

You grabbed your bag and received a glare from your mother.
"It's too bad school only lasts for seven hours." She shook her head sighing.
"You should stay after or something. I don't want to see you later. Your face just irritates me." She snarled at you as your chest burned with the stabbing of the hurtful words coming from your own mother.

The feeling of your heart sinking in your chest burned more as you just nodded slightly and walked outside and ran to the bus stop feeling tears sting your eyes. Thank god nobody was there yet.
Your sniffling continued as you stood there in the dark waiting for the bus to come, the sun still hasn't officially risen up yet.

You wiped your eyes and sighed shakily as your hands were stuffed in your pockets.
The sound of boots against snow was heard. Your crying officially stopped once you seen the four boys you were very familiar with.

Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and then there's Cartman..
You sighed in a small daze at him.
Why did he have to be so cold towards you?

Or anybody for that matter?

The other boys weren't as mean to you as he was, but you still weren't sure if you considered yourself friends with them or not.

You sighed seeing the bus pull up, you put in your earbuds and sat on the bus waiting to get to the living hell called school.

You sat in your classroom, a few kids noticing your faint black and blue eye, and reddened bruised cheek.

You covered your face with your sleeve, setting your cheek in your hand as your elbow was against the table holding up your head.
You tapped your pencil silently as mr garrison went on and on about some stupid lesson you didn't care about.

South Park x reader (back on requests!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora