Michael(curly goth) x scene reader

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Requested so I hope you like it! Ps, this will be a long part 😁

The bright sun shined brightly as you sat up in the passengers seat, the window down and the breeze blowing threw your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

The faint smile painted its way onto your lips for the first time in a long time.

Your earbuds were blasting loudly, keeping any other noise out that wanted to bug you.

You were pretty upset and mad at your dad who decided to move from your old town.
And since your mom died a few years ago, it has really gotten quiet and boring. So he decided a new change was better.

You haven't been the same since your mom died. You used to be that bright happy sunny girl who was always hanging out with her friends, or family, always wore bright clothes.. But not after what happened.

You could remember everything perfectly.

The sun was down and the night stars were out by the bright full moon.
You smiled as you skipped down the long driveway and into town, going to your favorite store to buy some snacks and things for you since you had the night all to yourself tomorrow, you wanted to make sure you had enough food and things to do.

Almost everybody knew you in that neighborhood since you were a bright cute little kid.
Everybody knew your name and how you were. You were friends with mostly everybody.

You were only a few houses away from yours that you just left, but you heard a terrible bang of two cars hitting into each other, and a horrid scream being shattered as your head whipped around with bright side eyes showing complete fear.

That scream. It sounded of Bloody murder, and you knew the voice of the cries that came from the woman who got hit.

People rushed to the scene but shock overwhelmed you as you stated with wide eyes that had tears falling from your eyes.

You broke free from your shock, and ran over to the familiar woman who got hit as you kneeled in front of you and cried as you grabbed your mothers hand that was soaked in blood.

"Mom!!!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, so loud that you thought your throat was going to rip open.
The tears that poured out of your eyes like waterfalls, had made you whimper and loose your breath. The hiccups started as you held her tightly in your arms, not mattering about the blood soaked in yourself now, and her.

"No it's not fair! Why oh my god, please no," you cried out as police started to rush over with an ambulance, as your mother frowned at you, trying to take gasps of breaths.

"I love you." She managed to get out as her eyes slowly started to close.

Your eyes widened as your head shook and your body trembled in the worse shaking pain. Your chest throbbed and your stomach was tied in a sickness of nots and the feeling of vomit was rising up within you.

"No no no no!!!!" You screamed out as your voice cracked and the tears fell onto your dead mother who was laying in your lap as you sat sideways on your knees.

"Mom please don't go-" you choked out as the officers grabbed your shoulders gently and pulled you up, making your mother fall slightly onto the pavement, the blood on your knees was everywhere as the officers helped you get away from the scene, but leaving would only make you more upset.

"No!!!" You kept screaming at them.

Unfortunately your father was out at work and couldn't be there for you at the worst of times.
The men in the ambulance put her on a stretcher and put her in the truck, after trying multiple times to do CPR, but failed.

South Park x reader (back on requests!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя