19 - Birthday Girl

Start from the beginning

"You do that all the time."

"Not in front of my family!" I shuddered, remembering the last time I had done so and my nonna had literally cleaned my mouth out with soap - not the nice soap she kept for visitors, either.

"Darling, these people do live in the 21st century, don't they?" Ben interrupted, his hand stilling momentarily, which left my body feeling a little...neglected.

I glared at him. "No of course not! Haven't you been listening to a word I've been saying?"


We were walking up the path to my brother's house, it being the only place large enough to hold everyone. I smoothed down the skirt of my dress nervously and stopped Ben to adjust his tie for about the tenth time. He bent as if to kiss me then remembered and straightened again, sighing. "Relax, sweetheart, it'll be fine. I'll be on my best behaviour, I promise. I am used to greeting crowds, remember."

"It's not you I'm worried about," I muttered, glancing towards the house, knowing that behind the closed curtains were sure to be at least twelve relatives peering out to watch us approach. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Suddenly a terrible thought occurred to me and I gasped, grabbing Ben by the arm to halt him again. "Oh G-heck! If any of my male relatives ask you what your intentions towards me are, tell them to mind their own damn business. No, you can't say that. Tell them...tell them...that we haven't known each other for very long and you don't know your intentions. That should hold them for a little while."

"What if I do know?"

"Know what?" I was distracted by one of the curtains twitching. Aunt Sophia, I bet.

"Know what my intentions towards you are."

He met my startled gaze with a steady, tender look that set my heart racing. My mouth dropped open, luckily going dry at the same time so I was saved the indignity of drooling. "Ben..." I breathed.

"Cara! È quasi ora! Everybody is waiting for you." My brother Tony stood in the now open doorway, gesturing in an agitated manner. (It's about time!)

"All right, Tony, keep your shirt on."

I took a calming breath. "Tony, this is Benedict. Ben, my brother Antonio."

"Buona sera Benedict." "Buona sera Antonio." They shook hands and we were ushered inside, where nonno and nonna greeted us.

"Ben, these are my grandparents. Nonno, nonna, this is Benedict."

"Buona sera signore e signora de Luca, è un piacere conoscervi." (Good evening Mrs and Mrs de Luca, it's a pleasure to meet you.)

"Buona sera Benedetto." "Buona sera. Benvenuto." (Good evening. Welcome.)


Nonna gave me a small wink, which cheered me a little.

"Lei parla italiano, Benedetto?" nonno asked. (You speak Italian, Benedict?)

"Un po'solo. Ti prego, perdonami." (A little only. Please forgive me.)

"Certamente. È irrilevante." (Of course. It is of no consequence.)

"Cara, child, introduce Benedict to your family."

We went around the room while I introduced Ben to Marco, Maria, my aunt Rosa, uncle Tito, cousin Franco...and so on, and so on. I knew there was no way he would remember all their names and it must have been incredibly tedious for him, but he was unfailingly polite and friendly to them all.

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