Is it really goodbye?

Start from the beginning

"Alright..." He grumbled something underneath his breath, like he was cursing Nico but granted the wish anyway. As a throne appeared to both sides of Hera, one a comfy armchair with a cup holder holding a cup of warm cocoa, and the other filled with seashells and seahorses. Then another throne broke out beside Poseidon filled with bones and skeletons with a hand holder for his new sword. The New thrones were then filled by their respective owner, they all smiled at Nico and said their thanks.

Now it was Percy's turn. Just like last time, the room went so silent you could hear the buzz of the air...

He stepped forward but bowed to none, his eyes were dark, and rimmed with red as if he'd been crying all day (he probably was, we all were...)

"Perseus Jackson, you have proven yourself worthy and had saved Olympus countless times, and risked your own life to ensure it's peacefulness for that we give you three wishes, and immortality" Zeus managed to choke out...

Percy though instead of being thankful and a regular person who would faint at the sight of a god, had silent furiousness you could feel seeping out of him.

"Give me immortality and you'll join Gaea reforming your sorry butts, in Tartarus." he said with dead seriousness.

Father gulped "Well you have three wishes then."

"My first wish is that you give a straight pass to Elysium every single person who died on the war, even humans who perished that had nothing to do with the war and died in it..." He glared at Zeus when he looked like he wanted to turn it down.

"All right... Second wish?" Fear shaking his voice.

"That you let me go of any responsibility, give me freedom?"

"What kind of freedom?" Zeus asked

"Like the type I don't need to respect you, or bow down to you. That kind of freedom, freedom to do anything I want with no consequence. And the choice for other demigods, romans, descendants to fight or not fight in your battles."

"We can't give you that! You could turn on us anytime! And we can't, no interference remember?" His arrogance took over his fear and it looked as if that was the wrong thing to say

"You think I would commit treason after everything I've done for you?! My friends, my family, my girlfriend! All killed! Yet I didn't join Gaea to rip you to shreds! Interferance!? Those were your battles! You were too egotistical to turn down the challenge in the Titan War that killed nearly half the demigods! You left Olympus, for us to guard when you could have been there helping us out! " A deathly calm took over, and he continued. Because it was obvious everyone was too afraid to say anything.

"My third wish I will request another time." He stated. He turned away from the Gods and opened the doors to the throne room, stepped out and mt away somewhere, probably back to the apartment.

The silence and Percy's wishes stunned and astonished them, leaving eery silence...

"Well that was our cue. So we're just going now..." Nico said uneasily, that was also my cue. We bowed down to our respective god, and goddess and Nico and I walked out of the throne room.

"So, we heading back toward the apartment?" My little (technically not, with me being immortally 15 and him more than 70 years old) cousin replied.

"Nah, I have a feeling Percy's already reserved the three of us a table at Taki's." I said grinning a little, a memory entering my mind.

Just before the Percy disappeared, we always took take-out at Mcdo and had a picnic with the four of us, Nico, Percy, Annabeth and I. But one time we saw a few teens, around Percy's age now, were covered in tatoos, and had weapons on them, and their auras radiated this gold, angelic glow... Of course we got suspicious so we followed them inside, of course, they got a bit suspicious but, we were dressed like regular mortals, so after a while they took no second look at us after.
We on the other hand payed very much attention to them, sneaking as much looks as possible. We also took note of the strange menu they had. Eavesdropping on their conversation was a tactic too, we kept hearing mundanes, Valentine, Sebastian, and I detected a lot of sass. We ate the most human named food we could find, which happened to be at the back, and all of us turned out having fries. After eating, we were on the way to approach them and ask them who they were and why they have weapons, when we heard a cellphone ring, we all looked at the girl in the counter, she picked it up and answered.
"Crap." The others whispered profanities among theirselves as well, and we sprinted out of the restaurant, curious eyes following us. Percy called for Blackjack, and Nico called for Mrs. O' Leary. When they both arrived we split ways and searched the area for possible attackers. We found only a small cluster of dracanae, whilst the couple ran into a few hellhounds. Nothing major. We decided to keep it to ourselves and not say anything to Chiron, or anybody else...

I really really miss my little sister now...

Hey.... Look I'm really really really really sorry... I just haven't been myself lately. And I've read your opinions and views and I want to thank all of you, for still staying with me, and supporting the story :)!!! Thank you so much!!! And I think the things you want to come true for the story probably will, as they seem reasonable ;) and the story has a lot of flexibility....
Thank you so much :*

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Thank you!!!

Demigod daughter of Chaos
Peace out in demigodishness and all that

Percy Jackson, the Dark Lord's GrandsonWhere stories live. Discover now