Louis: (to waitress) "I don't need anything. Thank you."

(The waitress gives a weird look to Harry and walks away)

Harry: (happily) "So, you're not deaf?! Thank god!"(crosses his legs and sits back comfortably) "So, where are you going? Scotland? Are you a university student? I'm in Middlesex."

(Louis stays silent and keeps looking outside, Harry keeps talking non stop)

Harry: "I'm studying Economics. It's my last semester, actually. I live in a hostel. Are you British? I'm British. I'm going back to Edinburgh to meet my family. I have a really big family, you know."(grins) "I have a boyfriend also. His name is Nick. He lives in Brighton. I'll get married to him."(sighs dreamily) "Getting married is my childhood dream."

(Louis is annoyed, he pinches the bridge of his nose and removes his glasses)

Harry: "All my friends tell me their problems and I solve them. Do you know, I'm that kind of a guy, like an agony aunt whose articles come in the magazines. I'm just like that."(laughs) "Tell me. What's the matter? Tell me what is your problem?"(provoking) "Tell me. What is your problem? Don't feel shy. Tell me."

Louis: (frustrated, yells) "You are my problem! You are talking non stop! Don't you understand that I'm not interested in talking to you?! I don't care if you live in a hostel or a brothel! I am not interested in your stupid love life so please, please leave me alone!"
(Harry stares at him with wide eyes, Louis pinches the bridge of his nose) "Look, I-I didn't mean to say all of that."(huffs, closes his eyes) "I'm sorry."
Harry: (cocks up his eyebrow) "The brothel thing wasn't right, angry young man."(sits back, grins) "But its okay. I'm not mad. Actually, nowadays I'm not mad about anything. Now, you ask me why!"(Louis keeps his expression blank, Harry huffs dramatically) "It's because I'm getting married you idiot!"

(Louis rolls his eyes)

Harry: (thinking) "You know what I just realised? That I don't know the difference between a hill and mountain!"

(Louis groans and slaps his forehead)

Scene 3.

[York Railway Station, 1:03 am, I missed my train!]

(Harry wakes up from his sleep when the train is stopped at York Railway Station, he looks down to see that Louis is not sleeping on his seat, he gets down, wears his slippers and looks around for him but doesn't find him, he gets out of the train and sees that Louis is slowly walking towards to the exit)

Harry: (calls, loud) "Hello, the train will be leaving soon!"(Louis doesn't turn around, Harry runs after him) "Hello, Angry young man, you will miss your train!"(finally he catches up to him) "Hey!"

Louis: (turns around, annoyed) "Why are you following me?"

Harry: (panting, grabs Louis' arm, pulls him towards the train) "The train will leave soon! Let's go!"

Louis: (pulls away, irritated) "I don't want to go. Leave me alone!"

Harry: (frowns, loud) "Are you mad?! I came all the way here to call you!"

Louis: "Who told you come after me? Go away."(the train starts moving slowly) "And run if you don't want to miss your train."

Harry: (looks at the train, yells) "Oh shit! Fuck you!"(runs, the train gains its speed, shouts) "Stop! Somebody stop the train!"(runs after the train for a few minutes but he misses it)

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