Chapter 2 - In need

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They headed off to Ichiraku as kakashi suggested.

Sakura can feel her stomach growling because of the smell.

Damn I'm really hungry.

"Sakura slow it down, you eat almost exactly like naruto." kakashi said.

"Sensei that's too much, besides you're the one who's gonna pay so I should make the most out of it. Another bowl please~!"

Sakura heard him sighed. Hahaha poor sensei. Despite him being the hokage, he never treated anyone, especially her and naruto, indifferent. They may barely spend time with him (because of the hokage duties, and sakura being busy at the hospital, and naruto who is currently the hokage-in-training), but sakura know that kakashi is always there for her, naruto and sasuke.

She frowned at the thought of sasuke, she's not mad at him. In fact she's happy for him. They are relieved that his intentions are finally good, for everyone and for himself. And she knew that he finally let her in to his life.

But it's been three years. Sakura really don't know what she should be thinking now. She is still hoping but she admits that she's on the verge of losing that hope.

"Sakura are you okay?" Kakashi noticed that her mind is on something else


Sakura noticed that she's stirring her ramen sluggishly

"You're thinking about him"

She looked at kakashi. He's looking at her as well. There's some odd seriousness in his eyes. Kakashi is one of the few people who understands her that much.

"How long will you let yourself be like that?" She didn't expect those words from her former sensei.

"Sensei, I'm alright, really" she gave him an assuring smile. He patted her shoulder.


"Thanks for the treat hokage-sama, I better get going"

Kakashi slightly raised his other hand as a way of way of saying goodbye. Sakura flashed her genuine smile then walked back to the hospital. Kakashi just wander around the streets of konoha. He finished all his paperworks earlier, but he was sure that he will be filled with tasks again later. So he decided to take a break for a while. People greet him while the others bow their heads to show their respect to the hokage. The sound of women squealing as he walked by didn't slipped past his ears. He just gave a smile in response from the people's acknowledgement.

Kakashi remembered sakura's behavior earlier. He felt like he could've at least do something for her. He admits that he's never been a good sensei to her. During their genin years, he focused his attention more on sasuke, overlooking her and naruto. He feels like he left her behind, that's why she seeks on tsunade's apprenticeship.

Maybe because sakura is a girl. And he can't really understand a girl's feelings.

But sakura's a woman now, he witnessed her bloom from a whinny girl to a very fine woman. And he knows what she feels. He was there when sasuke poked her forehead. He doesn't know what it means, but he saw some kind of affection from it. He can't blame her for hoping up until now, but this is not good for her anymore.

That was when kakashi realized that sakura needs a friend who would listen to her. She has a lot of friend, he is a friend of her. But sakura isn't the 12-year-old girl who would cry up to him. The sakura now is a strong yet a fragile woman who would keep all her feelings by herself.

That's it.

Kakashi decided to make sakura open up to him. He should be there for her not just as her former sensei but also as a friend.


Sorry the chapter is short, but I'll update soon dattebayo~!!(>y<)

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