Chapter 27 - Spark's Base

Start from the beginning

"I would fucking love to. So, we heading out now?" I asked ruffling up my bright hair.

"Yeah of course, the earlier we leave the better. Palma Violence has recorded the pattern of draculoids in this area, they usually patrol around here at sundown." Party explained, setting the ray gun aside and clearing up the table we both sat around.

"Well let's get moving then."

Party Poison and I wasted no time hopping in the trans am and setting off down the getaway mile. The location I used to use as a hideout was extremely well hidden, and I can still vividly remember how to get there quickly.

The roaring of the engine was the only sound being made, Party and I stayed relatively quiet. Not uncomfortable or anything, just peaceful.

"Kobra told me what you told him about being inside the BL/I." Party broke the simple silence lingering between us two. I didn't react, I shrugged my soldiers, not knowing what else to say.

"It's alright that you don't remember Sparks, I'm sure your memories will come back to you soon sunshine. Until then, don't worry about it."

"It's making me feel crazy Party. Also, it's just left up here." I said pointing at the small road evident that leads off the highway.

"You're anything but crazy." Party said while swerving the car in direction of travel. "Me and the guys care for you regardless."

"What did I do to deserve people like you in my life?" I smiled looking over to Party Poison, who returned a side way glance, grinning widely.


"Fuck." Party breathed out, his eyebrows raised in shock. "You used to live here?"

"Sure did." I answered, climbing out of the trans am and into the hot desert climate.

"This place looks like it's about to collapse!" Party exclaimed jogging up to me, his face resting on his usual concerned look he would give me at least once every day.

Party Poison and I finally made it to my base, with Party getting lost twice; we eventually got here in one piece. After what seemed like ages, the shack I used to take refugee stood (barely) behind the familiar sand dunes and barren lands alike.

"Well it hasn't and it won't. Come on." I ignored Party's over exaggerating, walking up to the small door way which lead into the base- if you could even call it that. It looked more like an old run down room then anything.

Despite the poor state, it served its purpose. It gave me some sort of space in which I could retreat to at night. It was a roof over my head, which out here in the zones was hard to come by.

The base only had one medium sized room. The contents within were only my articles of clothing, a makeshift blanket for nighttime, and other small objects such as family photos, keepsakes and maps I decided to bring with me into the desert.

The door creaked open as I remember how it used to before. It's been weeks since I've been back to the base, and it looks like it's been left as per usual. The shack was well hidden behind the boulders, which was hard to see from the main road, which is why it appealed to me so much back when I would take refugee here.

Not only was it well hidden, because over the boulders was the main road leading onto the getaway mile, I could hear all vehicles passing by, giving me enough time to get away when dracs would patrol the area. Never once though had any BL/I superiors came near the base, no one even knew it was here.

Allowing Party into the old hide out, I followed him into the one room the base provided. A heap of my old clothes was thrown to the side, which I started picking up to take back to the killjoys' base. Party picked up the maps and small items he found on the floor.

"Is this you?" He asked holding up an old polaroid. A smiled sadly looking at the dirty old photograph of me as a toddler. I was smiling brightly, so unaware what was to come in the future.

"Yeah." I said simply, gathering my last few belongings that were scattered on the ground. I didn't really have any intentions in staying here for much longer, I suppose this hideout was bittersweet for me.

"You were so cute, what happened?" Party joked, sensing my sudden mood drop. Grinning, but then turning my expression into a play pout, I took a step towards Party.

"You don't think I'm cute anymore?" I took another step forward innocently.

"I'm kidding- you got hot." Party said while pulling me closer with one hand and bring me me in for a heated kiss. Dropping the maps and items, Party used his other free hand to grab my waist, backing me up against the hollow wall. I dropped the clothes I was holding in my hands, using the now free hands to pull Party closer against me.

When Party pulled away, he leant his forehead against mine, his red hair spilling down in strands in front of his eyes, with a cheeky smile prying at his pink lips. "I suppose you're still a little bit cute."

I scoffed playfully pushing Party away, returning to picking up my belongings we had just previously dropped, trying to desperately hide the heat in my cheeks, we went to exit the base. I took one last look at the room, this would most likely be the last time I'd see this place.

"Let's go." I said smiling up at Party Poison, who opened the door, allowing me out of the base first.

"Simple as that sunshine? I though i'd have to drag you out of here kicking and screaming."

I took one last look around the room, sure this is where Atomic and I spent most of our nights, but that didn't matter anymore. I had found a new home, and that's wherever Party was.

"It's just four walls and a roof now, nothing else." I said turning away, heading back outside with all my belongings in hand.

When Party and I exited my old home, I stopped dead in my tracks with what I saw before me.

"Who the fuck is that?' Party Poison said quiet enough for only me to hear.

"I... I don't know."

(IMPORTANT A/N: The photo included is what Spark's base would look like. ALSO! There's only a few more chapters in this story but fear not, i'm currently working on the second book. Don't forget to vote and comment and let me know what you think about the story! xo n)

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