Chapter 4

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Veronique's POV

Ouch my stomach hurts.

Shit! Where an i? And why can't I move???

I open my eyes, maybe I'm just dreaming the pain.

It's dark and I see 3 figures and I think I hear something.

"umm, RJ... She's awake" I hear a voice say.

Boosting my confidence I reply "sure as shit I am, and their better be a reason why I'm chained up with 3 random strangers looking at me" I shout.

James POV

"sure as shit I am, and their better be a reason why I'm chained up with 3 random strangers looking at me" she shouts.

Woah she's vicious, most girls just beg us not to kill them.

"hey, we wont hurt ya, we just want to look after you" I reply calmly. It almosts sounds like I mean it.

"so why am I chain up!" she shouts looking around "shit, what the hell is that" she yells meaning the unconscious body of the fat girl.

"calm down sweetie, eh, we are taking you to the new country along with these lovely ladies" RJ says flashing a light on all 5 of the other girls.

I stare at all the girls, all aged around 18.

All unconscious and chained up.


I smile at her, i like her fierce attitude, she might be a good wife for me!

"how about we put 'em on the bus now" I say to James in my gangster accent.

"ok sir" he replies smugly.

I quickly take out my syringe and stab the girl making her unconscious.

One at a time we silently take the girls and put them in the van.

It's a police van, and is perfect cause it is

made to fit 6 criminals and 4 drivers.

I lock each girl up and jump in the drivers seat. It's a 4 hour journey to the 'new country' airport so I quickly put on some rap.

Veronique's POV

Did he make me unconscious again? I swear I'm gonna kill that d*ck.

Infact I might do it now, apart from the fact I'm chained up!

I open my eyes and scream not a pretty girly scream but a horrid piercing scream.

Why? Because there are 5 other girls in chains who are unconscious.

One of the girls with golden hair suddenly opens her eyes and screams joining me.

"What the hell is happening?" she asks

"I don't know!" I reply waking the others up who all scream.

"shut the hell up!" someone yells from the front.


"shut the hell up" I shout not caring about my reputation .

Their screams are so annoying.

It's not like we're murdering them!

"who the hell are you?" a girl shouts from the back.

"im your owner, so shut the hell up" I shout back at the girl.

The girls continue screaming.

"do u want me to punch you all and make you unconscious again" I reply threateningly.

The girls immediately shut up and I smirk proud of myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2013 ⏰

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